Kifaru New Hip Belt Design


May 15, 2013
Central Texas
From the pics of Snyder packing out a Stone Sheep, it looks like Kifaru has a new hip belt design in the works. Most likely a new frame as well, unless they just redesigned the belt.

Solid move going to what looks like squadron laser cut molle. Was always the 1 complaint I had about kifaru packs was how the molle rows angled in towards the buckle and made the accessory pouches fit a bit off. Hopefully these will retrofit the duplex lite frame.

Looks a bit wider than it needs to be though, maybe 1 less molle row would be the way to go. Either way, good move.
Im waiting for them to re-do the Shape Charge, Stryker XL, 22/44 mag, E&E etc and replace the back pals webbing with a laser cut squandron sheet. It only seems like a matter of time. It will reduce weight and probably cut down on production time as theres a lot less bartacking/sewing with laser cut molle.
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I could be totally off base here, but nothing looks new with what he’s posted besides squadron lazer cut molle on the same duplex light belt and the ultralight prototype bag. Haven’t seen anything that says new frame.

If the binoharness fiasco is any indication of what’s to come, provided you’re not an influencer; you can get your pre-order in now and maybe have it by the 2025 season. . .

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I could be totally off base here, but nothing looks new with what he’s posted besides squadron lazer cut molle on the same duplex light belt and the ultralight prototype bag. Haven’t seen anything that says new frame.

If the binoharness fiasco is any indication of what’s to come, provided you’re not an influencer; you can get your pre-order in now and maybe have it by the 2025 season. . .

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Agree! Everything seems to point to just sqadron molle. I had a buddy order the bino harness and never got it in time for his first hunt after a couple months. Just not sure why they cannot get lead times down. Exo is an even smaller company and packs ship within 2 - 3 days.
Yeah I was going to say, that doesn’t look like Xpac. Might be a hair more waterproof especially with absolute minimal seams and the ability to seam seal it easy. See how this spartan bag turns out

Internal frame?
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I have a feeling we’re going to see a lot of new items from Kifaru in 2024 now that they have settled into the Wyoming location