Kifaru nalgene/med. pouch on mystery ranch belt


Dec 7, 2018
While it doesn’t look like my 44 mag will be here before season unfortunately I will be going with my metcalf 2017 version guide light frame if I remember right. The waist belt on the metcalf is essentially just one strap and wondering if anyone has any creative ways to attach a kifaru nalgene holder(gen 1) and a medium belt pouch. I’m all ears as I’d love to have them both on the pack for season.
I ran a Kifaru nalgene pouch on my MR Beartooth belt this year, not sure if waist belt is same - the beartooth was on MR’s new frame/suspension
The belt is different than the Beartooth as it doesn’t have molle webbing. You could probably just tie the tabs together around the single strap with some paracord or something to get you by.