- Joined
- Apr 22, 2019
- Messages
- 110
ALL GONE! That's how we get it done people! Have a great season!
Letting go of some of my Kifaru stuff. All prices below are priced shipped. Paypal acceptable but buyer pays fees. I have yet to get pictures of these but will do so ASAP.
Letting go of some of my Kifaru stuff. All prices below are priced shipped. Paypal acceptable but buyer pays fees. I have yet to get pictures of these but will do so ASAP.
- Striker XL: SOLD
- Ranger Green
- Carried on 5 days of day hunt archery elk in Oregon. Shows no signs of use.
- Woodsman Bag: SOLD
- Ranger Green
- Carried on 5 days of day hunt archery elk in Oregon. Shows no signs of use.
- Duplex Lite Frame : SOLD
- Ranger Green, 24” Frame, Short shoulder straps and a small belt.
- Includes small belt pocket and brand new Gen 1 water bottle pocket.
- Carried on 10 days of day hunt archery elk in Oregon. Has a bit of Oregon mountain dust on it but no blood, scuffs, tears, pulls or separated seams.
- Gen 2 Claymore Pack: SOLD
- Carried once as a lit but not used since. Shows no signs of use.
- 2 x Medium Xpac Belt Pouches: SOLD
- Not carried and show no signs of use.
- Spotting Scope Sie Pocket: SOLD
- Never carried but somehow lost the zipper pull and now carries a paracord pull. Otherwise in great shape.
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