Sure it's been discussed here before, but i cant find it here or by google fu.
Has anyone tried and or is it even possible to use a kifaru belt on a guide lite frame?
GL belt doesnt please me all that much with weights over say 55 or 60 lbs. Kifaru looks a bit wider and thicker.
Tossing the idea around the old noggin and figured the brain trust would know quicker than immediately.
Thanks in advance
Sure it's been discussed here before, but i cant find it here or by google fu.
Has anyone tried and or is it even possible to use a kifaru belt on a guide lite frame?
GL belt doesnt please me all that much with weights over say 55 or 60 lbs. Kifaru looks a bit wider and thicker.
Tossing the idea around the old noggin and figured the brain trust would know quicker than immediately.
Thanks in advance