Kifaru Ark vs Exo K4?

K4 owner here (5k). Had the k3 before it. Bought a tactical with hoodlum and then bought a K4 5k and compared. Most everyone has already hit it. Both were good. Tactical was stiffer, felt better under load, but maybe barely. Didn't like the hoodlum bag as much as I would have hoped. K4 bag was better for my needs organizationally and the agility was better for me. It did take a bit to get it just right though. For you K4 owners I found that if you over tighten the load lifters it will try to the pull the lumbar pad off the body and create sag...Nearly sold my K4 I was so frustrated till I figured that out. I found (as in the videos they show when fitting) you just bring the load lifters to tension and maybe a bit more then that's the sweet spot for lift without pulling the frame off the lower back.

Ended up selling the tactical. I really like the modularity and customizability though. It just felt like to get it where I wanted it, I ended up adding extra pockets which was just extra weight when the K4 fit my needs stock.

I wouldn't hesitate to buy a Kifaru again, I did like the lumbar pad a little better comparatively and the padding on the back felt better for sure, but it collected sweat for sure! If EXO could add something similar to the K4 I would totally go for that, even at weight sacrifice. I do wish as others mentioned that there was a few more belt options. I ordered the tactical with a small, but then nearly maxed it out. Tried an xtra small and that felt pinching on the hips and was a touch short. It was like I needed something in between. Maybe it was just me.

Both are sweet though. Will I buy an ARK? The tinker says I should. The practical person says no. I would run it with a K3 bag as others have said if I were to do it. Unless Kifaru comes out with some new bag designs. Bedlam was cool, but something about the asymmetrical thing never clicked for me to dip back in.

Hopefully this post will keep going as I would enjoy hearing the ARK feedback for those that get to test it!

In my comparisons, I completely let out the load lifters on the DL and K4 with the same loads and draw them in. I get some more settling from the K4. But it could be totally a body type thing. My DL is curved stays. As well, I think the DL lumbar is a bit more wedge shaped than square (but that could be from usage, idk). I also have more ventilation from the DL. But K4 feels plenty light under load.

I actually think the K4 bags are a bit narrow, but the Kifaru bags are almost inexplicably heavy(er). I don’t know why that gap isn’t closer either way.
Excited to read initial reviews. I ordered an ARK on the release date to run with a K3 6400.

Like the K4 7200 but really like the K3 open top side pockets. I’ll be trying to sew a single molle attachment on the shoulder strap attachment to waist belt on the ARK though to mirror the K4. After a long season I can’t image a better spot to hold my 50oz smart water bottle I use. Something about the angle but it’s perfect with the narrow bottom EXO bags. I am probably the anomaly but I prefer how the K3 attached to the frame so this may be a perfect setup for me.

Hopefully ARK ships soon for some back to pack workouts to test all summer and decide before sheep season.

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According to Colton yesterday, ARK frame should ship 5-7 business days.

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I “liked” your post, but only because dislike is not an option. I’m not a patient person when it comes to these types of purchases. I guess I can stop checking the status regularly. This gives them time to get nalgene holders and compression straps in stock too.
I’m kind of a bigger dude, had a k3 and wasn’t in love with the fit under load. Have the kifaru DL now and I really like it. Anyone on here have both the k4 and ARK? Which frame/shoulder straps are wider?
I’ll add, I much prefer the Kifaru gun bearer. The K4 rifle carrier is great for traveling, but hit or miss on me being able to reach the release while wearing the pack. That is even after going to longer frame stays and replacing the frame back panel (required to go from 23.5 to 25”). Then, the butt holder is so tight on my stock it’s difficult to get off. And the upper clip scratches the stock. No chance I’m using that with my custom walnut stock. The nalgene holder and belt pocket are excellent. In fact, I’ll see if the exo belt pocket fits on the Ark.
I run one of my kifaru gun bearer systems on my Exo K4 7200, works perfetly. Give it a try
Am I the only one that had issues w/ the kifaru auto lock buckles making noise? I sprayed them w/ silicon spray, which helped, but over time they start clicking again
I’m kind of a bigger dude, had a k3 and wasn’t in love with the fit under load. Have the kifaru DL now and I really like it. Anyone on here have both the k4 and ARK? Which frame/shoulder straps are wider?

The K4 is narrower than the DL.

ARK fits old Kifaru bags, and so should be similar to the Duplex(s) dimensionally, but those who get them soon will have to compare that first hand.
Am I the only one that had issues w/ the kifaru auto lock buckles making noise? I sprayed them w/ silicon spray, which helped, but over time they start clicking again
My autolock buckles on the top straps of my Marsupial Gear harness squeaked wicked bad, to the point I deleted them. The side buckles were never an issue though.
For me the biggest issue with Exo and Kifaru is their lumbar pad….it’s to big. The K4 lumbar with a shim in it works pretty good, but it’s still not exactly what I prefer. Did anyone notice the new lumbar pad on the ARK frame? It looks like it’s a bigger version of the K4 lumbar pad.
Anyway, the shape is the issue, it’s a rectangle block sitting on the small of your back. Our lower backs are not shaped that way. Stone Glacier’s lumbar pad is shaped more similar to the lower back and tapers a bit downwards and towards the edges and for me, it fits perfect. I purchased one from SG and I am in the process of sowing Velcro on it to retro fit it to the K4.
I can’t use the SG packs, their 26” frame is to tall.
I concur completely with this. I actually cut out a portion of the Exo lumbar foam and replaced with the foam from SG. It helped, but still not great.

How did this work out for you? I am contemplating going back to SG or trying the Kifaru.
I concur completely with this. I actually cut out a portion of the Exo lumbar foam and replaced with the foam from SG. It helped, but still not great.

How did this work out for you? I am contemplating going back to SG or trying the Kifaru.
The more you use the Exo lumbar, the better it gets. The SG pad works good, you just have to swap the Velcro. I’ve gone back and forth between between the pads.
I don’t use a SG because the 26” frame is too tall for me; I am 5’8”.
The Kifaru lumbar has always been to big. It’s bigger than the K4.
I really appreciate Steve Speck and his approach to running Exo; keeping it a small business run by him and his employees.