Kifaru 22" frame - lift?

Dec 10, 2018
ON, Canada
I'm looking for a carry-on size pack - Kifaru's 22" frame is tempting for a few reasons. Weight wise, when we add a bag, it will be heavier than internal frame pack - which is to be expected.

Question is - with my 5'10 and 19" torso, will I get any lift from 22" frame?

I'm asking for advice because the way I see it - if it's too short for lift, I'll probably try to reduce the weight and I'll go with internal frame instead.

Effectively no lift with a 22" frame for the torso length you state. I have a 20+" torso and get lots of lift with a Kirafu 26" external frame. I also have a Minikeg and get a modicum of lift with lighter weights. Anything heavy and no lift—the lifters become stabilizers. That stated, the Minikeg us a great pack and across a year I probably use it more than most other packs in terms of days on the trail. But for backpacking (Kutthroat) and hunting (Duplex Light frame) you're only going to get lift with a 24" (some) or 26" (lots) for a torso like yours.
Keep in mind, OP, an external frame can be used in other packs as needed. It also allows for a lot more adjustment to make everything as comfortable as possible. I'm not trying to talk anyone out of what they want. I just want to make sure you get what you want.

I also see it's for carry on, if that the only thing you want to use it for, than I think you're on the right track.

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Thank you @strongarm for confirming. Minikeg might be a sound alternative at its weight.
@from_up_north If you manage your expectations as a hauler, the Minikeg will work as more of a day/trail pack for you. I use it as a carry on regularly but always take the belt off so it's less bulk and conspicuous on size—Minikeg comes with straps to be able to run beltless.

As @Marble stated, don't overlook a frame depending on your use. A frame brings with it a heck of a lot of versatility to use a pack that meets your need. I am not a weight weenie—weight doesn't bother me because the comfort and load capacity of a framed pack is well worth the weight penalty IMHO.
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To dovetail on to the OPs question, has anyone ran a Styker XL or Hellbender on a 22" frame?

It looks close just by photos but not sure if the frame/lower attachment point would have enough room to tighten, and the top compression straps not able to get tight.

Any experience yay or nay would be great (the carry on 22" size is ideal for me)