Kids braces!

General Dentist here. We charge anywhere between $4000-$5000 for clear aligners. I’d expect ortho to charge between $5000-$8000 for braces or clear aligners. Also depends on where you live.
We paid $2500 for round 1 of braces (top only) and an expander for my 9 year old. Insurance paid half, we paid half off my HSA. This is in Johnson County Kansas.
Wow. That is a ton of money. It also doesn't seem that surprising.
I imagine that an orthodontist can charge several hundred dollars per hour for their time. Plus the office and the helpers and the equipment...
I remember my parents telling me that my braces were thousands of dollars when I had them 20+ years ago. So, I guess I'm a little surprised the total isn't more today.
It’s July, might as well talk about everything except hunting.

My 12 year old went for her braces consult. No issues, teeth aren’t bad, but she definitely needs braces.

Quote was $6800 before insurance kicked in 1000. Seems insane? What prices have people paid recently?
Had two that need braces. First one was $3,500 about twenty years ago, second one was ten years ago that was like $4,500. $6,800 doesn't seem off.
My wife as an adult and all three of our kids had them. I'm glad we did it for them, but damn what I could have done with the money - about 6K each.
My brother and sister both had them, but I guess my parents didn't think mine were bad enough at the time. Since then through adulthood, I've had one tooth that got pretty snaggley. Some times I kind of wish I would have bit the bullet and got it taken care of. Today its not a big deal to see adults with braces, but back then, I thought braces were something you did as a teenager. Now at age 62, I'm at the point where it doesn't bother me - I'm not trying to impress anyone.
Another dentist here in CO. Seems in line. Also, for those saying to shop around, this is for his kid's (or your kids, or your own) dental health and well being - for the love don't just go with the cheapest option. The results will reflect the bottom dollar treatment.
Every American kid needs braces. They don't want to win the Olympics and look European.

Freddie Mercury was asked why he never got his teeth straightened. He said he wanted the world to know he was British.
One other tip: if your kid brushes their teeth about once a week, eats crap and is sipping a soft drink all day, forget the braces until they take some responsibility for their dental health or let them pay for them as adults. If not, the results won't be pretty (or cheap).
My son's turned out good but took WAY longer than supposed to. He got them in 2019 and we went up every month for an appointment. They initially told us 22 months. Hadn't had them very long and then Covid hit. They wouldn't let any one other than the person getting work done in the office. So my wife would stay out in the car while my son went in. The Dr would look at him and do whatever it was he needed to do. He would them tell my son "see you back in 4 weeks". My son would go up to check out and get the card for the next appointment. They were scheduling him for 6 weeks out even with him say 4 weeks because they were too booked up to see him in 4 weeks.

This went on until we were at 28 months. My wife finally had enough and went in for an appointment and went back with my son to the room. Had a very blunt and to the point conversation with the Dr about why this was taking so long. He tried to makes excuses until he looked up the timeline of everything. He still didn't concede, but did say they would do what they could to get it done quickly. At the end of the appointment he said "see you back in 4 weeks". When my wife and son went to check out get next appointment set up. My wife said need to be back in 4 weeks. The receptionist said "we don't have an opening for 7 weeks". That didn't go over real well. Left there with an appointment for 4 weeks and never had another problem with the 4 week appointments. Took 37 months to get it all done.

It didn't cost us anymore for the extended time for the braces themselves. But did have to make the the 1.5hr drive one way and take off work that many more times.
Went to another place today. 250 dollars cheaper, but my daughter really liked the dentist. I guess it is what it is. Braces and a rifle. I’ll retire when I’m 70. 😝
It’s July, might as well talk about everything except hunting.

My 12 year old went for her braces consult. No issues, teeth aren’t bad, but she definitely needs braces.

Quote was $6800 before insurance kicked in 1000. Seems insane? What prices have people paid recently?
That's not bad, at all. All 5 of mine needed braces (the twins needed a second round of braces later), and after insurance...we paid close to $5K, per kid, out of pocket (X2 for the twins). All in all it cost us about $30K out of pocket for my kids to have straight teeth.
That's not bad, at all. All 5 of mine needed braces (the twins needed a second round of braces later), and after insurance...we paid close to $5K, per kid, out of pocket (X2 for the twins). All in all it cost us about $30K out of pocket for my kids to have straight teeth.
Oof! Thats rough. I won't complain having to buy 1 set far.
I recommend Invisalign! It was the the same price as the standard train track braces and you don't have to go in for wire tightening. We paid around $4500 each, with double dental insurance coverage, for my wife and two older kids. They each have a permanent retainer they wear at night. We used the "no interest" financing option as well. Makes thing a lot easier.