Keto/Low carb diet

A little update. On my last visit to the cardiologist he had my testosterone level checked. The results we got were not expected. Besides too much fat I have more muscle than most 20 year olds and I have never lifted seriously in my life. So we were surprised when my results showed extremely low test levels. My test level was 209 which is about 60-65% below the normal level for someone my age and over 50% less than an average 95 year old.

He sent me to a urologist for more testing and he had me tested last week and my results were worse with a level of 162 more than 75% below where it should be. He said losing the fat will help increase my test but having the test levels so low make it very hard to accomplish. He said before these results assuming they come in low again then we need to find out what the issue is and it’s cause but said I am likely a candidate for TRT.

I am going to continue working out, watching what I eat and hopefully between my habits and the therapy I will feel better and able to hit my goals easier and sooner with things working as they are supposed.

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if weight loss is the goal you only need to be in a calorie deficit. Eat a balanced diet of protein, carbs, and fat. Carbs have been labeled as the enemy even in fact they aren’t. It’s all about calorie deficit when losing weight. If you want to gain muscle carbs are your friend. They fuel your workouts. Studies show keto is not optimal for Muscle gain. Again, be in a calorie deficit with a balanced diet and you’re good.
A little update. On my last visit to the cardiologist he had my testosterone level checked. The results we got were not expected. Besides too much fat I have more muscle than most 20 year olds and I have never lifted seriously in my life. So we were surprised when my results showed extremely low test levels. My test level was 209 which is about 60-65% below the normal level for someone my age and over 50% less than an average 95 year old.

He sent me to a urologist for more testing and he had me tested last week and my results were worse with a level of 162 more than 75% below where it should be. He said losing the fat will help increase my test but having the test levels so low make it very hard to accomplish. He said before these results assuming they come in low again then we need to find out what the issue is and it’s cause but said I am likely a candidate for TRT.

I am going to continue working out, watching what I eat and hopefully between my habits and the therapy I will feel better and able to hit my goals easier and sooner with things working as they are supposed.

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I'm 59. I've had T tests as low as 250, with a max under 400. But I still have great muscle tone, strength, and endurance. Having sex 3X per week, so that T number doesn't seem to have a severely detrimental effect. Not sure that one number for testosterone is meaningful.

DIET: I've been eating fresh meat and veggies and almost nothing else (no sugar or prepared foods) for about 8 years. Feel awesome and really have to eat more than I feel like to keep from losing weight. I have a semi-active job and surf or ride dirt bikes and bicycles every week. I get 8-10 hours of sleep per night, which probably does more for my health than all the rest.
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I'm 59. I've had T tests as low as 250, with a max under 400. But I still have great muscle tone, strength, and endurance. Having sex 3X per week, so that T number doesn't seem to have a severely detrimental effect. Not sure that one number for testosterone is meaningful.

DIET: I've been eating fresh meat and veggies and almost nothing else (no sugar or prepared foods) for about 8 years. Feel awesome and really have to eat more than I feel like to keep from losing weight. I have a semi-active job and surf or ride dirt bikes and bicycles every week. I get 8-10 hours of sleep per night, which probably does more for my health than all the rest.
3X per week, no shit? Wtf
3X per week, no shit? Wtf

It sounds dumb, but I keep a spreadsheet. I started it as a simple workout tracking spreadsheet, but whenever the wifey and I fooled around, I would put that in the notes, along with my diet, meds, and activities that day. I've kept it going since 2000 or so. Realistically we average 9 - 12 times a month, with the higher days during the warm months. Thankfully we have a lot of warm months here in the Lowcountry.

I think two things really help our love life (aside from ideal compatibility and attraction). We don't drink (I will when I'm on the road, but not at home). And we always have sex before dinner (or before lunch for nooners). It became such a habit early in our marriage that we started calling it the BD workout. I think it has made more of a difference than anything else we did. A full stomach kills sex drive. I let her know early in the day that I'm hoping for a BD workout. This works as a sort of foreplay, as we both spend the day thinking about it. It has worked for us for 37 years.

One thing I have learned is that even newlyweds don't always have sex as often as you might expect. We had it twice a day for the first ten years and almost every day for the next ten. When I learned my buds weren't doing that, it really was a surprise.
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I am interested in doing a keto/low carb diet and have been tracking my food intake on my Fitbit for the last two weeks and have worked out at least 30 minutes 5x a week. For exercise I have done run/walk on a treadmill, Spin cycling and Kettlebell for weight resistance. I am down 9 pounds in that time which I love but am trying to figure out how anyone can follow a Keto diet.

With what I have tracked over the last two weeks I have only had what is considered Keto macro intake one or two days. For the most part I have had roughly equal Macro's each day which is still low carb since that is less carbs than the Atkins/40-30-30 diet.

I want something that is sustainable and a lifestyle change and wanted to know what those have done Keto what their results are and if it was sustainable and healthy? I am 6'2" 276 this morning down from an all time high of 296 back in April caused by being in Lockdown and aggravating my herniated discs from college football. I was supposed to get an epidural but insurance wouldn't cover it without 3 months of PT and none of the PT places would see me live at the time only people after surgery or car accidents. It was weird. Instead I was put on prednisone and muscle relaxants.

Thanks in Advance!
My wife has been doing Keto for almost two years now. She lost about 30 lbs. right away, and has kept it off. She lost another 10-15 over the next six months and regulates her weight now based on her carb intake. She took it on as a lifestyle change and excuse to cook more. She has all kinds of Keto recipes now and I eat most of them.

She doesn't exercise that much either. If she did, she would be in better shape than most women half her age. She's already in better shape than about 95% of the women her age. No complaints here!

I've seen the results and I'm a believer.
Training yourself to not like sugar is hard. Its taken me awhile. I drink lots of unsweetened tea, kombucha (low sugar read the label), flavored waters...ect

Funny you cut out sugar, I cannot even stomach a soda. Glad that craving is gone. I eat a donut every few months and thats enough to keep me away for awhile.... yuk

I also tried some Keto ice cream but didnt feel that great after eating that.
This was my wife's issue. She was addicted to sugar. Once I pointed out that she was never more than arm's reach from some kind of candy, she took notice. This was literally true. Sofa - arms reach. Home office desk - in the drawer. Her desk at school (she's a HS teacher) - candy in the drawer. In her car - candy in the console. It took someone pointing this out to her before she finally noticed. I finally told her that I wanted control over her candy the way she had control over our sex life. LOL Boy you should have seen the internal angst when I said that. But it was true. And she knew it. So she buckled down and made a lifestyle change. I've never been more proud of her tbh.

The only down side is we still don't have sex as often as I'd like, and she looks a lot more attractive than she did 2 years ago, which is tough! LOL But I'm very glad she's healthier and can keep up with me on the bleachers. She is too.
It sounds dumb, but I keep a spreadsheet. I started it as a simple workout tracking spreadsheet, but whenever the wifey and I fooled around, I would put that in the notes, along with my diet, mess, and activities that day. I've kept it going since 2000 or so. Realistically we average 9 - 12 times a month, with the higher days during the warm months. Thankfully we have a lot of warm months here in the Lowcountry.

I think two things really help our love life (aside from ideal compatibility and attraction). We don't drink (I will when I'm on the road, but not at home). And we always have sex before dinner (or before lunch for nooners). It became such a habit early in our marriage that we started calling it the BD workout. I think it has made more of a difference than anything else we did. I let her know early in the day that I'm hoping for a BD workout. This works as a sort of foreplay, as we both spend the day thinking about it. It has worked for us for 37 years.

One thing I have learned is that even newlyweds don't always have sex as often as you might expect. We had it twice a day for the first ten years and almost every day for the next ten. When I learned my buds weren't doing that, it really was a surprise.
LOL quit bragging. :D

9-12 times/year here (seriously) for 31 years now. Some people, like my wife, just have a low sex drive. Not their fault and nothing's "wrong" with them. It is what it is.
I am interested in doing a keto/low carb diet and have been tracking my food intake on my Fitbit for the last two weeks and have worked out at least 30 minutes 5x a week. For exercise I have done run/walk on a treadmill, Spin cycling and Kettlebell for weight resistance. I am down 9 pounds in that time which I love but am trying to figure out how anyone can follow a Keto diet.

With what I have tracked over the last two weeks I have only had what is considered Keto macro intake one or two days. For the most part I have had roughly equal Macro's each day which is still low carb since that is less carbs than the Atkins/40-30-30 diet.

I want something that is sustainable and a lifestyle change and wanted to know what those have done Keto what their results are and if it was sustainable and healthy? I am 6'2" 276 this morning down from an all time high of 296 back in April caused by being in Lockdown and aggravating my herniated discs from college football. I was supposed to get an epidural but insurance wouldn't cover it without 3 months of PT and none of the PT places would see me live at the time only people after surgery or car accidents. It was weird. Instead I was put on prednisone and muscle relaxants.

Thanks in Advance!
I eat a carnivore ESC diet. So it's not keto because I drink and eat, raw and fermented dairy, and small amounts of fruit. Other than that though it's meat and eggs for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Works great.
Feel great.
Easy as to do.

Some quick sources for info on diet and health/keto based:
Robb Wolf.
Primer Edge Health.
Dr Sean Baker.
Dr Paul Saladino.
I drop weight real quick on this a
Diet but it always comes right back

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