just ordered the zen ray ed2 82mm spotting scope!


Mar 28, 2012
SE Wisconsin
ordered it yesterday, pretty excited about it.....should be here by the end of next week i would think.

now to just figure out what setup will work best for it as far as digiscoping is concerned so i can post some pictures of what it looks like
wish i had a razor to compare it to, but from what everyone says, it sounds like they are very similar

im trying to find more info about their raptor digiscoping adapter right now, doesn't really look like anything i have ever seen before (not that i have much experience in digiscoping)

Wait until you get the scope, measure the eyepiece, and have Tines Up make you a video ScopeCam adapter. In all likelihood the Zen Eyepiece is dimensionally the same as the Swarovski and Vortex 20-60 eyepieces.
i think you're right, as far as what i have read they say it's essentially the same as the swarovski

bb - what do you think of that zen-ray one, im not so sure what to think of it....tines up is local here, i may end up with that and i see it works well for you
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I have tried a lot of adapters. Including one just like the raptor. It sucked ... badly.

Tines Up is the cat's meow.
The adapter is $70 for the video scope cam and $100 for their point and shoot. If you go with the video scope adapter you will need to get a zeikos adapter also. I learned this all from BB :)
Digiscoping comes up pretty often. It is an awesome tool for hunters to use for scouting.

I think I will write up an article on it.

Reason for edit: Stupid Ipad Autocorrect.
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