Just ordered a p365, which red dot you do guys like on them?

I like the size of the 365XL better. Put a Wilson Combat grip module on it and it changes the feel of it for the better. And I put a Holosun 407K on mine.
+2 on the Hogue grip module.
I had one on my Kahr PM9 and it really changed the feel and didn't add any width.
+2 on the Hogue grip module.
I had one on my Kahr PM9 and it really changed the feel and didn't add any width.
Not a slip on Hogue. The WC is the entire frame/grip.

Not a slip on Hogue. The WC is the entire frame/grip.

I put one of those on a standard, non-red dot P365. I think it made a huge difference for me, but my wife and 16 year old daughter still do not like shooting that gun. They both will shoot my Glock 19 but are a hard pass on the P365.
Holosun 507k or EPS Carry.

I’m a big fan of Red dots and have them on all my defensive pistols, but they require a lot of training to be proficient with them. I would never recommend a red dot for somebody that is not going to train regularly.
This is what I carry! I prefer the green dot. As stated before this is not really a handgun for anyone with hand strength issues. It is snappy. It is good for an experienced shooter; not recommended for a first carry gun. My wife carries a G19 because it is a lot easier to shoot accurately. My daughter in law carries a S&W Shield9 which is a better option for those that are recoil sensitive. (Easier to shoot than P365)

Have you ever thought or beer spray? If she has trouble with some platforms. And you're just trying to get her comfortable means she's not entirely comfortable? So maybe spray is the answer.

I love my 365xl. Nice size. With plus P ammo it kicks. I'm okay with it with normal rounds. Buy I'm a guy. I'll agree loading that mag is stiff for the last couple. I struggled alot when I first got the gun.
No Dot. The micro dots are even worse than a standard dot for compromised field of view.

And the answer is simply much more training. It's a dedication to a Lifestyle and commitment. Most women do NOT have this.

And this includes my wife.....she's F'ing terrible. And just can't get it. Dinky hands. Schitt for grip strength. And crawls in her own head instantly.

And this is coming from me being a higher end LEO instructor and shooter almost 3 decades.

Good on you for trying and attempting to train and educate. Most often (like ALL the time) it's better for someone else to train your woman.

We all get wrapped up into gadgets and garbage. You should be able to take the sights OFF THE SLIDE and be pretty impressive on 10" steel way past the 7 yard line.
When wives get involved in ccw it's a whole different thing. Mine has been reluctant for a long time, but just went to class and is getting hers.

My wife wanted a Sig 938 first. She did ok with it but didn't like it. She decided she liked M&P 2.0 better than my G19, p365, or any of several others. Then she picked up a Shadow Systems mr920 and that is now her gun. It's a G19 clone but she didn't like the G19. Go figure. She does shoot it well though.

As for the dot sights, I have only used a couple different ones. I have a Holosun 507 on my carry gun. I have never had an issue of the emitter getting blocked.
My son has tried a couple different ones and is using a closed emitter. It's a Stiener MPS, but he's hesitant to recommend it.
I run an X Macro with the EPS. No problems so far and I like the closed emitter. I run an Trijicon RMR, Holosun EPS, and a Steiner MPS.

If your wife will not dedicate time to shooting, I suggest irons only. While I think eventually all pistols will have red dots in the future and are on all my carry guns, it does take more time and practice to become proficient.

I know you already bought the P365. But if you can trade it in and want to stay with the P365 platform, I would recommend the X-Macro Comp. Otherwise, a compact or full size gun, in general, would be easier to rack and manipulate for her.
Some have said no dot. My experience (with aging eyesight: glasses or contacts) is that I shoot much better with a RDS. I have both open and closed emitters. I have not seen any need for a closed emitter. The size of the dot does matter though. For a small carry gun that would need to be deployed quickly and under stress, I would recommend a larger dot. (i.e. the 6moa dot on the 407k) It is easy to see/acquire with both eyes open. (Glasses, no glasses, or contacts) I find that smaller 2moa dots are fine for larger guns, but for smaller, up close and personal guns, the 6moa seems much better. Put the dot on the target and pull the trigger!! Easy and fast with a little training, which should be done with any setup.
Honestly, I tried a Holosun on my 365XL, but after about a year I ended up going back to the stock irons. For me, they present as/more naturally than any other irons I've shot on a defensive pistol, and carrying AIWB for ME is more comfortable without the dot there. YMMV.
Admittedly, that was a concern of mine, so thank you for sharing that specifically, about the optic gouging-in on ya. Appreciate that input.
Get her an LCP 2.

Yeah its a 380. Easy to handle. Nothing she cant kill with it.

Get rid of the electronics. Trach her to point and shoot without extra gadgets to slow her down and distract her.

I have both. 938 is more than an LCP in recoil and harder to shoot well.

Dont get too caught up in imaginary numbers. Any gun is better than no gun.
Some have said no dot. My experience (with aging eyesight: glasses or contacts) is that I shoot much better with a RDS. I have both open and closed emitters. I have not seen any need for a closed emitter. The size of the dot does matter though. For a small carry gun that would need to be deployed quickly and under stress, I would recommend a larger dot. (i.e. the 6moa dot on the 407k) It is easy to see/acquire with both eyes open. (Glasses, no glasses, or contacts) I find that smaller 2moa dots are fine for larger guns, but for smaller, up close and personal guns, the 6moa seems much better. Put the dot on the target and pull the trigger!! Easy and fast with a little training, which should be done with any setup.
I know WHY you're suggesting 6moa, I get it, for rapid close up in your face AHH! situations and all.

But the moment I read 6moa my nose turned up. From younger yrs of enjoying FPS video games? My eyes are very used to picking up the very smallest dot I could choose, always.

But there again, we'll see what Mama might like, which certainly could be different than me, if so, I'll indulge whichever one she feels her eye likes better! YEah.. definitely gonna need to ask counter staff at local shooting range to let she and I view thru some examples of the different dot sizes.

But no rush to get the optic. For the moment. I figure I'm going to have to break this thing in and get it past a good round count so that the springs might settle in a little for the slide to help her out with it. She's very double-jointed in her all her finger joints. So when she attempts to exert more pressure thru your fingers on things, for example even that first digit joint will bend a shocking amount backward under force.