So I just bought a used Delorme Inreach Explorer for Hunting and motorcycle trips thinking this would be awesome. Bought me a $300 a year service plan and set it all up and have sent messages back and forth without issue from my house or at work just messing around with it. So today I took it out on a remote motorcycle ride and thought I'd try it for my first time away from the city. So I stopped and sent a message and included myself on the message and never got a response or anything for like 5hrs until I finally got back into cell service range. Super bummed out. I have clear view of the sky and this thing failed me. Did I do something wrong? I'd like to figure this out before I actually need it. If it works like it did today it's worthless. I got rid of my spot because I thought the text feature would be great. Well so far it's not. Also I sent my wife and son a link of my tracker while on this ride and the tracking worked the entire ride. Just wouldn't send or receive a text message. Any ideas?