Jury duty?

Apr 12, 2012
Tehama County, CA
Has jury duty ever screwed up anyone's planned hunting trips where they weren't able to make it any good ways of getting out of it?
The reason I bring this up my father was summoned to grand jury duty in Sacramento for the month of January where he's on call for 30 days beginning the 2nd and if he doesn't have to go when he calls New Year's Eve and doesn't have to show up the 2nd he's still on call....
So in other words are AZ trip is cancelled unless someone has a great way of getting out of it :) just wanted to voice my frustration


Feb 24, 2012
just don't respond. the letters not sent certified mail, my mail man loses things all the time. i dont get summons any more


Sep 11, 2013
he gets one "pass" right? chip shot if he already has the tags.


Feb 24, 2012
Common guys it is our civic duty, I had to go two days after my elk hunt ended this year.

Jon Boy

May 25, 2012
Paradise Valley, MT
Just tell them you have a trip planned and ull be more than happy to do it on a later date. Thats what my buddy did. They asked for a copy of his work schedule that showed he had the time off.
Oct 12, 2013
my state, they put out a bench warrant but all you have to do is tell them you cannot and they will reschedule.they know it is an inconvenience.
I go all the time. great way to see how the judicial system works??
Sep 24, 2013
Common guys it is our civic duty, I had to go two days after my elk hunt ended this year.

Just an FYI - Jury Duty was originally designed to be the check and balance system to the Judicial branch. Furthermore the Jury was intended to be the peoples voice back to the legislature - at one time if you thought the law was wrong you could acquit. They have largely done away with that through the jury instruction process. Hard to complain if you don't participate. Just say'n.


Jul 17, 2012
Hilliard Florida
Just an FYI - Jury Duty was originally designed to be the check and balance system to the Judicial branch. Furthermore the Jury was intended to be the peoples voice back to the legislature - at one time if you thought the law was wrong you could acquit. They have largely done away with that through the jury instruction process. Hard to complain if you don't participate. Just say'n.

And I will always do my duty. Including jury nullification if I feel it's the right thing to do. Just because the judge gives you certain instructions doesn't mean I will follow them. I only have to vote one way or the other not explain myself. I vote not guilty and questioned later I just say I felt the defendant wasn't guilty and leave it at that. I was selected for a murder trail he took a deal at the last minute.


Feb 24, 2012
Castle Rock, CO
I'm not sure how jury duty is done in other counties in other states but in Santa Clara County, CA there is such a huge population of people that when you get a summons for jury duty you just have to call everyday for a week to see if you have to appear at the courthouse. If your number comes up on the phone then you have to appear if not then your duty is considered fulfilled. From age 18-27 I got a summons every year (which is supposedly not supposed to happen). I only had to actually show up to the courthouse twice but got selected for the jury one of the two.

The judge explained the case and asked if any of the jurors felt they could not be a fair and unbiased juror. I raised my hand and asked the judge "if he wasn't guilty what did he get arrested for? This guy is on parole and got arrested while hyped up on dope with drug paraphernalia and a 24" machete in his coat. It sounds like he got caught red handed. Why are we even here?"

The judge got pissed and excused me from the panel and his courtroom. I got out of being part that waste of time trial and I never received a jury summons again for the last 6 years I lived in CA.

Civic duty or not jury duty sucks!


Feb 24, 2012
But worth checking into a reschedule, some areas are pretty decent about this.


Feb 26, 2012
Colorado Springs,CO
When I was summoned for grand jury in Texas they told us that we had been nominated by respected members of the community, and it was our choice if we wanted to serve. They went through everything and then had us come forward and state whether we wanted to serve or not.

Now on a different note, I was told I was going to have to testify as a witness at a trial back in 2008 and it cancelled my hunting plans for 2nd rifle season. A tag that took preference points to draw. That ended up being the last hunt my Dad was able to go on, and because of the trial we all cancelled on the trip. I ended up testifying and the criminal was convicted, but the whole thing left a very sour taste in my mouth. They knew for 3 months when the trial would be, and they would not allow for any form of testimony at any time except during that week. They had plenty of witnesses besides me but the assistant D.A. told me they would put me in jail if they thought I had plans to go on the hunt anyway, just so I would be there to testify. So I lost out on my Dad's last hunting trip because some dirtbag wouldn't fess up to his crime. Two days after testimony he cut a deal with the D.A.

AZ Vince

Jul 10, 2012
Just tell them you have a trip planned and ull be more than happy to do it on a later date. Thats what my buddy did. They asked for a copy of his work schedule that showed he had the time off.

This is what I did, twice.
If the trip is already planned it's unreasonable to make you cancel your trip.
Feb 29, 2012
Yakima, WA
You should be able to make a written request to serve at another time. In our county you get one service substitution. They will hold your name until an agreed upon time will work for you.
I agree, jury duty is a huge time commitment and can put a crimp in any family schedule at any time. However, I feel that every able citizen not only has a duty to serve on a jury, but after a 14-day stint on a felony assault trial last year, should be required to serve on a jury so you understand how the justice and legal systems work. They are two very different things.
Additionally, think about this...all of the folks on this forum are fairly well educated, critical thinking people. A lot of the folks who end up in a jury pool are those that really have no other commitments in life and sitting in a box for a few days makes no difference to them. If I ever was sitting on the stand, I'd much rather have a bunch of well educated, smart, thinking people doing the decision making than a buch of nogoodnicks who get their education in front of the TV. Just sayin'.


Feb 28, 2012
Buckley, Wa.
You should be able to make a written request to serve at another time. In our county you get one service substitution. They will hold your name until an agreed upon time will work for you.
I agree, jury duty is a huge time commitment and can put a crimp in any family schedule at any time. However, I feel that every able citizen not only has a duty to serve on a jury, but after a 14-day stint on a felony assault trial last year, should be required to serve on a jury so you understand how the justice and legal systems work. They are two very different things.
Additionally, think about this...all of the folks on this forum are fairly well educated, critical thinking people. A lot of the folks who end up in a jury pool are those that really have no other commitments in life and sitting in a box for a few days makes no difference to them. If I ever was sitting on the stand, I'd much rather have a bunch of well educated, smart, thinking people doing the decision making than a buch of nogoodnicks who get their education in front of the TV. Just sayin'.

You are absolutely right, but, us "fairly well educated, critical thinking people" have to be at work so we can support those that sit at home and watch T.V. all day.

The last time I was on jury duty, the peanuts they paid me didn't even cover parking, let alone the fuel for the hour plus commute each way, or my loss of wages for each day. Now, I work for the government, and they pay me to go to jury duty, so I will do it so that someone that can't afford it, won't have to.