Jimmy John kills potential new state record sheep in NM

It’s off topic but i dream about a world where AK would remove the guide requirement, charge 10k for a non resident tag, make the sub legal harvest penalty very stiff, and have some sort of orientation/vetting to make sure everyone knows that they’re responsible for their own safety.

The main “issue” I have with the guide requirement for non residents is when the guide isn’t an Alaskan resident.

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Cracks me up we both came up with the $10k number at the same time. Your comment hadn’t even yet loaded for me.
Bingo. And this is the same story across most states with sheep with exception of some areas in 1 or 2 states.

I'm not against auction tags per se, but the people that feel the need to jeer and crow about how many sheep are on the mountain because of the same 10-15 guys buying auction tags is beyond annoying. Glad there's a lot of money going to the resource, but 30+ years of data is showing that there are in fact fewer tags in the public pool, not more. Sometimes drastically fewer.
Does this have to do with the effect of disease in the last 30 years that has impacted the herds drastically? If so does the money coming in allow the resources avail to keep them healthy or transplant sheep to affected areas?

Data points don't necessarily tell the whole story?

I'm in the camp that auction tags are a big plus for conservation. If I had that money I would buy tags as well. I wouldn't have the whole crew and would hunt diff than he does, but you can appreciate the one aspect while not having to agree how he hunts. Not mutually exclusive

I was a lucky one and drew a tag that I had a .004% chance of getting. Hope to get lucky a time or two again in the future

That is a spectacular ram!
I was just writing the same thing haha. Must be a reasonable idea then!

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No need to charge more for the tag. Drop the guide rule, put it on limited NR draw. Keep the same draw structure and charge $10/entry. The state would make millions (especially with PR matching). Require a sheep conservation stamp to apply if you really want to help the species. Of course you have better odds holding back the tide than any of that happening; especially with orgs like WSF and SCI writing checks to the very lobbyists locking you guys out.

I’m sure all them GMU23 hunters are much safer trying to chase grizzlies off every dead caribou than just paying $1000 for a tag and just shooting the bastards…..
No need to charge more for the tag. Drop the guide rule, put it on limited NR draw. Keep the same draw structure and charge $10/entry. The state would make millions (especially with PR matching). Require a sheep conservation stamp to apply if you really want to help the species. Of course you have better odds holding back the tide than any of that happening; especially with orgs like WSF and SCI writing checks to the very lobbyists locking you guys out.

I’m sure all them GMU23 hunters are much safer trying to chase grizzlies off every dead caribou than just paying $1000 for a tag and just shooting the bastards…..

It’s fun to dream. Ultimately I am still incredibly thankful to even have to opportunity as a NR to have hunted sheep in AK.

Btw, solid last name.

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Bingo. And this is the same story across most states with sheep with exception of some areas in 1 or 2 states.

I'm not against auction tags per se, but the people that feel the need to jeer and crow about how many sheep are on the mountain because of the same 10-15 guys buying auction tags is beyond annoying. Glad there's a lot of money going to the resource, but 30+ years of data is showing that there are in fact fewer tags in the public pool, not more. Sometimes drastically fewer.

Idaho has had some of the more m.ovi die offs in the nation. Our ranching community here is horrible.

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I have a buddy in the middle of a 10 day DIY hunt who if he’s not successful will do the last 10 days guided, if he kills one on day 15 is it less than?
Yes, it is.

If guys want to hire a guide then good for them. But don't be delusional and think its the same. The you are the boy reference is spot on. There are some tags that if/when I get I will be really considering a guide but I dont think in any way it will be the same hunt/experience if I do.
Yes, it is.

If guys want to hire a guide then good for them. But don't be delusional and think it’s the same. The you are the boy reference is spot on. There are some tags that if/when I get I will be really considering a guide but I dont think in any way it is will be the same hunt/experience if I do.

So is guided the same as if a couple friends come to help you with a OIL tag?
As I get older and cherish wild places even more I am ok with the guide rule in AK and the wilderness law in WY. While I used to be against them it is now something that is more likely needed to preserve what I love about both states. I can think of a lot of areas getting loved to death in that need such extreme restrictions.

On this years sheep hunt we again didn’t see anyone. I did for a moment think about how the experience would have been to come across a RR (rokslide Randy). Covered head to toe in gear, his small caliber rifle on his pack, telling us every abbreviation of his hunt (DIY, NU, SOLO, etc), telling us how many miles he’s walked, how much vertical, taking long ass unethical shots, the list goes on. These restrictions limit the RR’s and in a world with so many people I’m ok with that.
As I get older and cherish wild places even more I am ok with the guide rule in AK and the wilderness law in WY. While I used to be against them it is now something that is more likely needed to preserve what I love about both states. I can think of a lot of areas getting loved to death in that need such extreme restrictions.

On this years sheep hunt we again didn’t see anyone. I did for a moment think about how the experience would have been to come across a RR (rokslide Randy). Covered head to toe in gear, his small caliber rifle on his pack, telling us every abbreviation of his hunt (DIY, NU, SOLO, etc), telling us how many miles he’s walked, how much vertical, taking long ass unethical shots, the list goes on. These restrictions limit the RR’s and in a world with so many people I’m ok with that.

If the guide rule were removed and the number of hunters in the area was the same but limited by tag allocation rather than how many people can afford outfitters would you feel the same way?
Guided hunting ain't the real thing. Just another way for rich guys to compete with each other, like expensive cars and boats.
Your comments show your inexperience, lack of knowledge and that you have not done much hunting out of your home state. To experience some of the best hunts in the world in some of the most remote and scenic hunting countries, hunting some of the most, challenging , desirable and fun animals to hunt, you will never ever experience these hunts without a guide. You will not be hunting the Yukon, BC, NWT, Africa, parts of WY or MT, and on and on and on. One can make guided hunts as fulfilling as any diy hunts , going into these remote wilderness areas can be the biggest adventures and most exhilarating, and often times dangerous experiences one could ask for! I do many diy hunts too.
I haven’t gone on a sheep hunt yet, but I have one in the NWT booked for 2026. I guess I’ll just be “the boy”.

If I ever draw in New Mexico, of course I’ll be going guided. No way I can clear my schedule and take time from work to head there from MT and do the scouting that such a tag deserves. There’s loads of guys that would do that though and I think that’s awesome.

Draw in MT? Of course I’m going to try to go with friends and do it myself.

Hunters are weird - die hard archers look down on rifle hunters since it’s “way easier”. Sheep in NWT - did your outfitter use a heli? If so, you didn’t have a real hunt. List goes on and on…. Just hunt how you like, it doesn’t bother me one bit either way.
If the guide rule were removed and the number of hunters in the area was the same but limited by tag allocation rather than how many people can afford outfitters would you feel the same way?
Great question. And the answer is yes I feel the same way. Look at what’s happened to drop moose camp prices. It has priced out many residents because of the demand. Very few outfitters for sheep use transporters or air taxi so a bunch of DIY sheep hunters will drive up the price like the moose hunts. Another reason is I can control many situations currently if I want to combat the outfitter or not. The info is out there on where they operate. No idea of RR. And outfitters keep their mouth shut. Spot burning would get insane. While there is a noble attempt to stop that on this site, AK seems to get ignored on this.

Life isn’t fair, trying to make it fair just screws it up even more.
Some people won’t be happy until Game and Fish issues a tag to anyone who wants one. Kind of like …no losers, everyone comes in first place and gets a trophy.
Congrats JJ on a great ram and thank you for supporting wild sheep !

Not what I’m reading in this thread. Say what you will but I would bet Jimmy John is a net negative to hunting in spite of the money he contributes to conservation. He has multiple times posted(or had leaked, doesn’t matter)photos from African hunts that were in poor taste. The stories about that Arizona elk hunt a few years back where guides were blocking forest service roads and not allowing public hunters to enter the area when he had his governor tag there come to mind as well. It’s time we all stop bowing down to the almighty conservation dollars and ask ourselves what good those dollars are doing for our habitat or wildlife populations

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If these people really care about conversation how about they just write checks?

Some do it, most don’t. I was at a sheep show dinner this year and someone gave I believe $1 million straight up to become a member of the Marco Polo Society which is for people who donate at least $100k. There are lots of amazing people out there give their money to conservation but the people buying all the governors tags are not our hero’s. Now if those people who donate lots also want to buy some governors tags I’m not going to shame them. But who needs 2 sheep in a year? Seriously that’s just selfish. Go hunt another animal.
If these people really care about conversation how about they just write checks?

Some do it, most don’t. I was at a sheep show dinner this year and someone gave I believe $1 million straight up to become a member of the Marco Polo Society which is for people who donate at least $100k. There are lots of amazing people out there give their money to conservation but the people buying all the governors tags are not our hero’s. Now if those people who donate lots also want to buy some governors tags I’m not going to shame them. But who needs 2 sheep in a year? Seriously that’s just selfish. Go hunt another animal.
Those 2 sheep were going to get killed this year either way. If 2 DIYers had been awarded the tags through state draws, the states of NM and CO would have gotten what, 3K each? Instead, an auction winner (who happened to be the same person) paid $600K to Colorado and $600K to New Mexico. Which scenario do you think is going to do more to support the resource and it's management?

And I don't think anyone here said he was a Hero. But on the other hand, a bunch of insecure jealous folks DO feel the need to degrade him, and by extension apparently, anyone who goes on a guided hunts....as if JJ or anyone else who goes on guided hunts wants or gives a piss about anyone else's approval. Sad, yet comical at the same time.
If these people really care about conversation how about they just write checks?

Some do it, most don’t. I was at a sheep show dinner this year and someone gave I believe $1 million straight up to become a member of the Marco Polo Society which is for people who donate at least $100k. There are lots of amazing people out there give their money to conservation but the people buying all the governors tags are not our hero’s. Now if those people who donate lots also want to buy some governors tags I’m not going to shame them. But who needs 2 sheep in a year? Seriously that’s just selfish. Go hunt another animal.

10 families combined to donate the million dollars for the 100th Marco Polo membership. Not belittling that in any way, just trying to keep some of the information in this thread accurate as there are some WILD theories being throw about…

I’d bet all those 10 families are already Marco Polo Society members.
So is guided the same as if a couple friends come to help you with a OIL tag?
If you and your friends are all out there scouting and learning the area and setting up all your gear that is different than if your friends did all that while you were absent and then you show up to their camp and on opening day they lead you to the animal they found.

The OIL tags are the tough ones. Its OIL and you really want to be successful and hiring a guide is very tempting. But the experience, to me, is important and being lead to an animal is not a true hunting experience, to me. This hunt, along with most of JJ's hunts, is an example of killing an animal without actually experiencing a true hunt in my opinion. The thread on here about the NV silver state deer tag is the same. Hire a guide, show up and kill the deer they show you on day 1. You become the shooter, not a hunter.

My wife hunts with me. She told me a couple of weeks ago someone at her work brought up her tag this year and someone else commented that they didn't know she hunted. She said "I don't hunt, I am a hunters wife". She follows me around and shoots at what I tell her to shoot at. She doesn't call herself a hunter because she knows she doesnt actually do any of the "hunting".