How would getting rid of auction tags bring more advocates? There are already raffle options for these tags, so would adding another raffle tag add that much more advocates? Maybe they should advertise the raffle/draw versions more, but where would that budget come from? I could understand if there were only auction tags and no other opportunities, then a raffle may add advocates. But there are more opportunities than the several auction gov tags out west. Nevada issues around 250-300 sheep tags a year, that’s more than any other state. And they give up 1% of their tags, (2 auction, 1 raffle) those three tags raise over half a million dollars annually, and less than 10k people put in for the raffle.
Sheep hunting is a niche, and not everyone is into it hence the WSF low membership. But the people that are into it are willing to spend insane amounts of money to hunt sheep.