jetboil ignition problem


Dec 4, 2018
A hunting buddy accidentally dropped my jetboil in the creek. pulled it out and dried it off by the ignition button doesn't light the flame. He had to use a lighter. Any thoughts on how to make it work again?
My ignition button went out almost immediately. For something like 6 years I always just used a lighter. Then one day I hit the ignition button and it worked fine and has ever since.
I dropped mine this year and had to use a lighter for the last weekend. Made it ten years.
I bought a spare igniter maybe 6 years ago and I swapped it out. Not igniting. So I’m using this opportunity to look at a new system possibly or another jet boil.
The spark wand may have gotten bent too close to the burner. Make sure it has enough space for a big enough arc.
Thank you @AkMtnRunner this solved my problem exactly. I kept repositioning the igniter electrode thinking it wasn't centered enough, but no, it was too close. that hadn't even crossed my mind.
Glad to see I wasn't the only one. Pretty disappointed because I only got to use my jet boil on one trip and now the striker does not work but a lighter does work just as well I guess.