I know this might seem inflammatory or trolly, but that's not my intention at all. Hear me out.
I've had the trad bug for years, but have never made the leap. The bug has bitten again so I've been consuming a lot of trad content. Thinking once again, maybe I'll jump into it. Trad is so appealing to me. I love the purity and the history of it. It's so much more interesting to me compared to compound hunting.
My hang up is this: In a lot of these trad hunting videos I've been watching, the lack of accuracy is really concerning to me. Some of these guys are dedicated trad shooters and have been for years and years, if not, most of their lives. They know what they're doing. I'd rather not name names out of respect. But in watching some of these hunts, even on close shots, 20 yards and under, there seems to be a real sense of, "Can I make this shot?" And if they do hit the animal, will it be a lethal hit? I know the equipment is capable of killing, but is the shooter consistently accurate enough, often enough to reliably kill? With a compound, even an average shooter, short of some catastrophic breakdown in shooting ability at the moment of truth, can pretty easily shoot accurately out to 30 yards, I'd say. I know people screw it up all the time, but compared to trad, it's so much harder to screw up.
I'm just wondering from those that have done both, if you've thought about this or had this same hang up as I'm having. I know the issue of ethics is highly individual, but I think you can probably sense where I'm coming from on this. I believe we owe it to the animals to kill as quickly and cleanly as possible. From my POV, a compound is so much accurate and effective, it makes me question trad hunting. Again, I don't mean to bat the beehive. Just trying to reconcile the internal conflict. Thanks.
I understand where you are coming from, and I think the answer is “it depends”
The beauty of trad archery is the pure simplicity, but that comes with a caveat… in the same breath, trad archery is far more complicated than compound archery
I got the trad bug bad, and shot a lot every single day for almost a full year before hunting with it (that is a whole other story with the roller coaster of shooting, and then actually learning how to shoot)
Through all of that I developed pretty bad target panic for the first time where it actually effected me, but I could keep it under wraps pretty good in the back yard
Going into the season I was shooting well (no fliers) and anything inside 30yds was in trouble, but I was not going to shoot past 20, and knew I wouldn’t have to
Long story short, under pressure, I couldn’t keep my poop in a group and cleanly missed 4 bulls, longest shot was 18yds, it was an incredible yet incredibly frustrating season
After that season I decided that I had to figure things out, because my ability didn’t matter, my performance under pressure did, so I went back to a compound the next year
After that first trad season, I started shooting my compound and realized that I had crippling target panic with my compound, I could not hold my pin on target, twitchy shooting my firearms… it was a mess
Finally got through that and killed a bull with my compound the next year at spitting distance
The following year I decided to use the stick bow again with a stipulation that if I missed, I was going back to my compound, so I was shooting both a lot, and shooting well
First bull I called in was this awesome big black horned 6 point roosie, and literally skipped an arrow off his back at sub 10yds… he didn’t know what happened and kept bugling at me, and I ended up calling in a rag trying to get that big bull back in, and he was maybe 10-12 yds and I ended up not shooting at him because I felt like it wasn’t the elk’s fault that I wanted to kill one with my recurve, so I haven’t hunted with it since
My practice effort and shooting ability said it was plenty ethical for me to hunt with, but you have to be on point shooting a recurve, it’s different, you can’t just put the pin in the peep, rip the trigger and still make a good shot… there are no fail safes with trad gear, it’s all you and you have to be completely present in the shot
With that being said, I think people can be ethically proficient shooting and be unethical hunting with trad gear… probably more people fit that mold than don’t.
I think ethics includes knowing yourself and your tendencies, and being honest with yourself, and know when to put the stickbow down rather than you driving on because your ego overrides reality… it’s hard for me to say if trad is largely ethical or not, but I certainly wouldn’t want those who are proficient with trad equipment punished because people are incapable of policing themselves
I would be all for a proficiency test for trad hunting, at least prove you have one aspect of it down, the rest is up to the person, and how delusional they are, and how far they put their ego ahead of the game they pursue
I’m in a good shooting headspace right now and think I will probably plan on hunting with my recurve, but will also stay aware of the signs that I won’t shoot to my ability under pressure
As of now, I’m killing a bull with my recurve in 24’, but I will be shooting my compound as much, and will evaluate in august.
It’s a lot more likely to go out with a trad bow with an ethical ability yet have no business hunting with it, without the fail safes of a compound (peep, pins, mechanical release, etc)