Is this buck a shooter?

Jun 20, 2012
Windsor CO/Sonora MX


Hope so cause we're trying like hell to kill him ;)
That all depends on who is doing the my books, it looks like a good shooter, to someone else, it might not be...
Guys, I was being facetious when I asked if it was a shooter. Net book typicals are pretty hard to come by and are considered shooters by 99.9% of people. I was just wanting to share a pic of one of the bucks we're looking for this week
Not quite Aron. I'd have three arrow over his back while David talked about what he scored.

Drummond, keep us posted on your hunt. Is it rifle? What state?
good luck
Archery Colorado?

Correct, its an archery hunt east of 25.

Our hunter hit him the other evening and it wasn't a good hit. The arrow deflected off of some wild sunflowers and hit the deer in the neck. The buck laid down and they could not close the distance that evening. It got really cold overnight and they went in the next morning to see if he had died but he was still alive but had not moved more than 5 yards. They again cut the distance to 30 yards and when the hunter stepped up to finish him he came out of his bed like he was shot out of a cannon. The buck ran all out for 200 yards, got over the top of a rise and slowed to a walk and walked for a mile and a half. I got there around 10am and we searched all day and the buck was finally spotted right at dark as he stood up 450 yards from the area we had been scouring. He had laid down in a winter wheat field that had a small depression in it and he was completely hidden. That wheat field was not one of our leases.

Anyway, buck walked towards the area where he had been shot and has not been seen since Sunday night.

I personally feel that if he didn't bleed out overnight or die in those 10 degree temperatures that he will probably make it but we are making every effort to find him and will continue to do so. Infection is my biggest concern at this point

I am optimistic as each of the past 2 seasons I have had hunters hit giant bucks in the neck with an arrow and both years we stayed after it, hunted our asses off and got both of them killed. Two years ago it was a 224" buck and last year it was a 207" buck but both of those deer looked healthier than this one did. Wonder what are hunters are looking at when they touch the release

I'll post a video of that 207" and the 224" if I get time later
Here is the 207" buck just before and just after the shot. I need to get these transferred to a disk so I can upload them from my MacBook for better quality


After with a hole in his neck...