Is MIL too confusing?


Feb 24, 2023
I'm in the small minority but just like @PredatorSlayer, i stick with MOA. It makes sense to me and doesn't cause me any problems.

Bought my first FFP NX8 and I'm afraid I'm not going to like it either. For me, simplicity with a variation of a duplex reticle with simple windage on a platform I can dial in MOA is much easier.

However, I think we all can agree that we're much better off these days since our optics come with matching turrets and reticles. Some of my buddies have mil reticles with MOA turrets. Talk about a cluster.


Feb 17, 2018
reading a few of the comments what element of a mil scope are people finding confusing? Is it because people are habituated to think in inches or are converting to inches that they find mil difficult, or they have a moa drop-chart memorized after decades of using it, or? I can understand both of those, but that seems a reflection of habit more than reflecting on the system itself. Are people coming from a capped-turret duplex reticle scope, and comparing it to a scope with exposed turrets and a tree reticle and using drops for the first time? If so that also seems to reflect more on the usage than it does on whether its an moa or mil based scope. I guess I dont see much difference between a mil and moa scope…if you want simple, a capped turret duplex style reticle for point and shoot or mpbr setup it’s exactly the same between moa and mil. If you want a ranging reticle there are still simple options like mil-dot and moa-dot scopes, as well as nearly identical tree-style reticles in both, etc. Im just not seeing much difference between holding or dialing 2.5mils versus holding or dialing 8.5moa. Function and usage is identical in both, and for fast wind calls and shooting with others I have personally found mils to be noticeably simpler. So what in particular is it that has people tripped up about mils being more complicated than moa?


Oct 2, 2022
Once you get it, it's great.

Just think in mils. There are no inches or centimeters or whatever. The unit of measure is mils.