Two years abo there were two biologists up here that were collecting soil samples and a mine and were attacked/mauled by a black bear. Both had bear spray, both were well trained in the use of it, and both were able to deploy it into the face of the bear at point blank range. One of the biologists was killed and the other one was severely mauled, but lived to tell the story. From the investigation that was conducted, it was determined that the bear and gone into a predatory mode and had snuck up on the two from behind when the attack occurred. I think, as the story goes, when troopers went to investigate and attempt to dispatch the bear, they found, and killed it at the scene where it was feeding on the biologist. I believe that if a bear is looking to kill you, regardless of whether it's a black or brown bear, a can of bear spray is next to useless. I know that I would much rather be pointing a fully loaded high power handgun at a charging bear, than pointing a fully loaded can of spray.