Irish Whiskey

Jameson Black or Jameson 18 yr/old are good. Another vote for Redbreast. Might also want to try Green Spot.
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If you do the Red Breast, look for Cask Strength. The flavor is more full, noticeably. The alcohol content is higher, so drink slower, which helps you to really get the flavor. The Lustau edition is also good, but is sweeter and it lingers after you swallow. I put it at the bottom of my RB list, which is higher than pretty much anything else out there (the Spots excepting. ) I will often take it neat or on ice during the spring and summer. Otherwise, just find the 12y, the 15y isn't that different for the price. Now the 21 and the 27 are noticeably smoother, but at 200-700 a bottle, I'd rathe go chase antelope than drink one bottle of whiskey, even very good whiskey.
Honestly I don't think any Irish whiskey is great. I've never had one anyways.

Proper 12 is really solid for it's price. Green spot is pretty good to.

I've had Red Breast 12 and 27. The 12 is better. Neither are great. The 27 is criminally expensive for how not good it is.
Redbreast is my choice for Irish. The Spots are good, but my palette just likes RB better. I will put it on rocks, not too many, just to open up the flavor a bit as it melts. You could put it into a highball, but my preferred this time of year is in an Irish Coffee:

1 Cup brewed coffee: vanilla or salted caramel flavors work well
1.5 oz Irish Whiskey
1TBSP Brown Sugar
1 oz heavy whipping cream, whipped to just a bit of air, not too much.

An Irish Hot Chocolate is also good.
That hot coffee may work,sounds fantastic.Im bow hunting/camping solo tonight and tomorrow just to get out.Ill try alittle neat and with a cube tonight.
Got a bottle of Powers John’s Lane for Christmas from my boss. I’m really liking it. Neat of course.
Tullamore Dew, Bushmills, Jameson in that order, for common brands that are enjoyable.

I know I've indulged in pricier ones before, but honestly that's gonna be your thing if you're the type that's into just drawing it in with sips over those cold stones so you're not "polluting it" with the water from an ice cube type of view.

And realistically for me I can't do that due to reflux it would cause for me. Has to be mixed for me, so it's like what's the point in splurging unless it's like you've notice this brand is a better grade that induces less after effects, that part of pricier ones I don't mind though, that's always nice IMO.
I perfer the red breast 15 and the yellow spot. Also have a botle of 21 year single malt bushmills that i paid too much for.