Interior Department Proposes Conservation Leasing Program


Nov 18, 2022

As someone professionally involved with conservation mitigation programs in the private sector, I am not super stoked to see this as it is competition. As someone professionally involved with restoration, I am happy for the potential business opportunities. As a resident in and recreator of rural areas reliant on extractive industries and agriculture, I am concerned by the potential for environmental special interests to displace local economies. As a hunter and sportsman, I am excited by the potential infusion of money towards habitat work but concerned about the loss of hunting ground due to "conservation" leasing.

Overall, I have my doubts that this program has legs with the government in charge and political swings and court battles to come. There is a lot of challenge in ESG, restoration, verification, and getting corporate ROI to all connect.

What say you?
Jun 15, 2017

As someone professionally involved with conservation mitigation programs in the private sector, I am not super stoked to see this as it is competition. As someone professionally involved with restoration, I am happy for the potential business opportunities. As a resident in and recreator of rural areas reliant on extractive industries and agriculture, I am concerned by the potential for environmental special interests to displace local economies. As a hunter and sportsman, I am excited by the potential infusion of money towards habitat work but concerned about the loss of hunting ground due to "conservation" leasing.

Overall, I have my doubts that this program has legs with the government in charge and political swings and court battles to come. There is a lot of challenge in ESG, restoration, verification, and getting corporate ROI to all connect.

What say you?
As an optimist, I think this could really help improve habitat on lands were a "lighter touch" is needed and gives conservation interests close footing with extractive industries so they can "put their money where their mouth is"

As a realist... I fear that BLM and others might just drag their feet long enough to realize the aforementioned swings in politics that seem likely if not inevitable.