Intentionally Camping near other hunters

Ive had quite a few encounters with this. Sometimes people had no idea I was camping that close by,they came in after I was out hunting. Only reason they knew I was there because we packed an elk out one night right by the trail they were on. They had no idea any one else was back there. said they had been hunting the area for 20 years, even though we hadnt seen them in the 6 we had been there. But they were nice and offered a beer.
Same area different year we had two guys pass our camp and try to hunt the same upper basin we were hunting. Ended up bumping all of the elk out of the area that night. We could hear them nearing our camp and saw their head lamps coming through the timber after the evening hunt. Ended up trying to sneak by us and cow calling at us in the dark..... must of thought they were pretty cute. I much prefer the group we walked by that offered us a beer.
ive also had plenty of the in between scenarios.
With all of that said, talking it over with someone seems to be the best option for both groups involved IMO. If you're going to be hunting the same general area and not stepping on each others toes, camping close seems to be the best option. If your plans are the same and they were their first. Time to move on
Hiked 5 miles into the wilderness this past year just to have some clowns hike in Friday night and pitch camp 30 yards from us because that’s where they camped last year. This thread reminded me of his.

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I camp in the same camps every year. Doesn't matter to me whats going on around me. You camp close to me, I could care less. Because most, pretty much all, of the time its folks from somewhere else that don't know the country anyway, so it doesn't bother me at all. I might even give you some whiskey that the horses were kind enough to carry in for us. That being said, im not moving my camp if i show up and your close by. Im talking backcountry. I give even less of a shit whos near me at a truck camp.
This reminds me of conversations about slow drivers in the fast/passing lane...100% agree they hate it.... so who's doing it?
What if you come back to camp to see another camp set up by yours but its college cheer leading team?😂

If I was not hunting I would be over at their camp all night long (hopefully) but its hunting season so.... the cheerleaders are on their own.
What if you come back to camp to see another camp set up by yours but its college cheer leading team?😂

Reminds me of a story (supposedly true) I read in a book full of hunting stories. A few older guys had a fish camp on the lake they went to pretty regularly. One of them’s wife was always pestering him to go but he never took her because that defeated the point.

There was a weekend where none of the other guys were going, so he finally took her. They got there to find one of the other guy’s college age daughter there with a group of her girlfriends, all running around and jumping off the dock in their bikinis. The wife obviously assumed this was why he went there all the time...
Reminds me of a story (supposedly true) I read in a book full of hunting stories. A few older guys had a fish camp on the lake they went to pretty regularly. One of them’s wife was always pestering him to go but he never took her because that defeated the point.

There was a weekend where none of the other guys were going, so he finally took her. They got there to find one of the other guy’s college age daughter there with a group of her girlfriends, all running around and jumping off the dock in their bikinis. The wife obviously assumed this was why he went there all the time...

Is your wife speaking to you yet?????