INFO: Hunting Films Tour Comes to Anchorage. Thurs March 10th!

Matt W.

Mar 2, 2012
Puerto Rico
Who all in Alaska is going?

Hunting Films Tour tickets on sale now!
Join AK WSF for a night of great hunting films and awesome door prizes!
Alaska Wild Sheep Foundation is proud to present the 2016 Hunting Films Tour, sponsored by Barney's Sports Chalet!

This year's Hunting Films Tour is a two hour, conservation minded, fair chase hunting film filled with awesome stories and breathtaking cinematography. Featured among the primarily mountain hunting films is a film by Alaska's own 60th Parallel Adventures!

The show takes place on Thursday, March 10th at the University of Alaska Anchorage Wendy Williamson Auditorium. Doors will open at 6:00pm and the film will begin promptly at 7:00pm.

As a bonus, all current AK WSF members in attendance will be entered into a drawing for some great door prizes courtesy of Barney's Sports Chalet, Sitka Gear, Vortex, and more! Not a member of AK WSF? Discounted memberships will be available to all attendees!

Tickets are available online through the Hunting Film Tour website and locally at Barney's Sports Chalet. All proceeds go towards the Alaska Wild Sheep Foundation.