While getting ready to order a new backpack system, I was on the Kifaru site and noticed that their prices went up considerably, no doubt due to inflation (which I understand completely). So I thought crap, I missed my window and now its going to cost me north of $1200 for the entire setup I want with accessories etc... I noticed that a couple of the other packs I was looking at haven't gone up yet, but it's just a matter of time before they do. I am trying to stay with a backpack made in the USA, and right now I'm also looking at Initial Ascent IA6K and the EXO 6400. I love the idea of a Pannier load system with IA so that I could be super light for day hunting, but still able to haul meat. Plus the pack looks really nice and well thought out. The EXO looks great and has great reviews and would save me about $500 while the IA would save me about half that. Unfortunately I am not in an area to try any of these on. I saw a great saying on here about "analysis paralysis" and definitely have it. But, I am just ready to purchase a pack so I can start training/playing with it. Cost is always considered but not a show stopper. I tend to get what I really want or what I deem is the best quality. So I guess what I'm looking for is any personal experience with the 3 packs. Has anyone used the IA Pannier system for day hunting/spike out camp? Is the Kifaru worth the extra $$ to you guys that have tried the other 2 packs? Whew, I need a beer!