Impressive Start to the 2021 Shed Season


May 3, 2017
This past Saturday I decided to get my new shed dog out along with my other two pups and try to find some fresh drops on public land. I went to a 3yr old select cut with a nice mountain stream that intersected it which was lined with old growth timber (providing a great bedding zone). I worked my way through the cut with intentions to focus on the bedding zone. Shortly before I approached the bedding zone I came across what most would recognize as big buck sign. Multiple freakishly large buck rubs heading in a straight line to the bedding cover. With all the sign I decided to grid this zone in hopes of finding the antler of the buck making these rubs. 15mins after I began gridding, my new shed dog “Brew” darted out in front of me to a big tree with overhanging limbs. I watched as he shuffled backwards out from under the tree dragging the most palmated whitetail I’ve ever seen! I’ve only been shed hunting a few years and I’ve found a couple deadheads but never one of this caliber. After snapping a few much needed field photos I scanned the area for sign of predator tracks. I cut two wolf tracks which lead me to the rest of the buck’s carcass. I’m assuming he was a victim to the wolves but will never truly know. With 2020 being such a crap shoot it’s nice to start the 2021 Shed Season with this gnarly mountain buck.


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Nice! Two things to note.

#1 Not sure how it is in every state. But I have found 2 nice deadhead and got salvage tags for both from DNR or sheriffs office here in Iowa.
It seems stupid but itd be terrible to get caught with one and have to rely on the officers mood and your story telling abilities to decide if you walk away without a citation. It doesn't take long at all to do.

#2 i have heard of people finding sheds already this year. There's also a reason some states have created a season for such activities. Folks getting after it early stomping all over wintering grounds can have a negative affect on the game population. So id urge folks to tread lightly.

Now that im done being a buzz kill, Real nice deer though.
Nice! Two things to note.

#1 Not sure how it is in every state. But I have found 2 nice deadhead and got salvage tags for both from DNR or sheriffs office here in Iowa.
It seems stupid but itd be terrible to get caught with one and have to rely on the officers mood and your story telling abilities to decide if you walk away without a citation. It doesn't take long at all to do.

#2 i have heard of people finding sheds already this year. There's also a reason some states have created a season for such activities. Folks getting after it early stomping all over wintering grounds can have a negative affect on the game population. So id urge folks to tread lightly.

Now that im done being a buzz kill, Real nice deer though.
Fortunately enough for us Montana’s we can actually keep dead heads. Don’t have to report them unless maybe it were a big horn sheep as laws have recently changed here and we can now keep a big horn dead head if you find one. Montana doesn’t have any set dates for shed hunting but I’m aware that treading lightly this time of year due to the fact that the ungulates don’t need the added stress. Usually don’t make it out this early but have been tired of being cooped up with all the covid.
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That is an awesome fine
Also would have been amazing to have seen it on the hoof

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Nice! Two things to note.

#1 Not sure how it is in every state. But I have found 2 nice deadhead and got salvage tags for both from DNR or sheriffs office here in Iowa.
It seems stupid but itd be terrible to get caught with one and have to rely on the officers mood and your story telling abilities to decide if you walk away without a citation. It doesn't take long at all to do.

#2 i have heard of people finding sheds already this year. There's also a reason some states have created a season for such activities. Folks getting after it early stomping all over wintering grounds can have a negative affect on the game population. So id urge folks to tread lightly.

Now that im done being a buzz kill, Real nice deer though.
Nice sheds
If you guys have any shed finds from this 2021 season feel free to share them. I love seeing and hearing the updates in different states and what not.