In my opinion the Sigs are not a substitute for alpha glass. I found this to be especially true if you’re coming from alpha glass or something similar already. Any sustained period of time spent behind them and it really became apparent. There is no substitute for the clarity of premium optics and that is somewhere the sigs are lacking. But they never claim to have the best glass. For what they are, they live up to the hype and are fantastic for having on your chest for quick looks or while on the move.
My NL12s had been my go to the last couple of years, both off my chest and on a tripod. This year I picked up the 14s and then shortly after got a great deal on the sigs I couldn’t pass up. Having both, I intended on selling my 12s. Now after a month of running the sigs and 14s in Mexico, I don’t know if I am prepared to do that. The sigs absolutely will have their place in my gear and if they’re able to be paired with a dedicated tripod bino, they’re definitely going to be on my chest. But depending on the hunt, that isn’t always feasible. If I could only have one as a stand alone bino, the sigs just don’t replace something like an NL12 in most situations for me.