
Apr 8, 2019
Well I didn't make it up a few weeks ago. But I just crossed the state line. Beautiful drive some parts of northern nevada reminded me of Afghanistan and I haven't thought much about that place in almost 20 years. Still have a few hours to go to get to the unit I drew though.
Apr 8, 2019
So I moved around and I've seen way more today then yesterday. But always in my truck cruising down the two track roads.

So I'm currently sitting on a rock formation where I saw a group earlier in the day. As I was coming back I saw a, pair. Both groups hauled ass to the east.

My thoughts are well that's two groups let me just park and hike a bit and sit and see what happens if another set comes by or those other two group meander back this way.

The amount of land that is our here is incredible. It's so different than what I'm used to in CA. I've been the only vehicle wherever I go.

Ive definitely taken the cummins in some areas that were a little dicy lol.

It's also pretty amazing how far away you can spot the antelopes with just your eyes. 20230904_131324.jpg
Nov 30, 2022
They are wild little buggers. Best find a waterhole with some tracks around it and set up a blind. Stalking is tough and a low odds way of killing a pronghorn with a bow. Be sure to sit there all day (or as long as you can stand it), they have no schedule.
Apr 8, 2019
They are wild little buggers. Best find a waterhole with some tracks around it and set up a blind. Stalking is tough and a low odds way of killing a pronghorn with a bow. Be sure to sit there all day (or as long as you can stand it), they have no schedule.
I thought of that but there was water everywhere in my unit. I saw them drinking water out of a tire rut that had rainwater in it
Nov 30, 2022
I thought of that but there was water everywhere in my unit. I saw them drinking water out of a tire rut that had rainwater in it
Rain makes it tough. Even if there are lots of water holes they tend to go to a specific one. If you can find it or even a spot on a big pond that they like to use - your odds will be decent. This 14" buck (from this year) was on a pond that was over 150 yards across, but came into the narrow inlet area. (Where the majority of tracks were before I set up). It was tough this year with all the rain storms but eventually they came back. Keep after them!

Here's the rest of the herd even after I shot the buck they are pretty relaxed.
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Dec 24, 2021
I thought of that but there was water everywhere in my unit. I saw them drinking water out of a tire rut that had rainwater in it
I hunted the same unit this year and noticed the same. Little reservoirs that usually are dry by now had running creeks feeding them. This year was a tough one but I had a few good stalks up by those radio towers you took a picture of. Though they were not successful I did find myself from 70-90 yards away constantly. That unit is big and if I had more time I would have went further east to the prairies but was hunting after work most nights. That unit is a fun one and you were standing on some of the largest elk winter ground in the Idaho. You should see that how crazy it gets come first snow!
Apr 8, 2019
I hunted the same unit this year and noticed the same. Little reservoirs that usually are dry by now had running creeks feeding them. This year was a tough one but I had a few good stalks up by those radio towers you took a picture of. Though they were not successful I did find myself from 70-90 yards away constantly. That unit is big and if I had more time I would have went further east to the prairies but was hunting after work most nights. That unit is a fun one and you were standing on some of the largest elk winter ground in the Idaho. You should see that how crazy it gets come first snow!
Bringing this old thread back to life. I ran into an old timer looking for his calves at the base of a butte and he told me the same thing.