Hey all I will be going on an early archery mule deer hunt this year (August 15-30) in Idaho. I have never harvested any deer in the velvet before I have been doing research on how to preserve the velvet and cape the hide in the field. If am successful in killing a mature buck I plan to have it mounted as it will be my first archery mule deer. I am looking for recommendations on taxidermists in Idaho or near Idaho that do an above average job on shoulder mounts particularly velvet antlered mounts. I live in North Idaho just outside of Lewiston and I know there are local taxidermy shops around here but I am not overwhelmed with the quality of their work nor, do they have much experience mounting velvet mule deer as far as I can tell feel free to correct me if I am wrong. This will be my first time having a shoulder mount done I have always been partial to Euro mounts but that is difficult to do with velvet and I am not sure I like the look.