Idaho Muzzleloader Deer Recap

Jan 6, 2022
Hi all, I want to start by saying that I tried to do a lot of research when I drew this Idaho muzzleloader controlled hunt, and found very little relevant and/or recent info. I tried to start a thread here discussing this unit, and for whatever reason it wasn't posted or accepted. Now that I finished my hunt on Saturday, I wanted to share my experiences, and maybe start a discussion for people who draw Idaho controlled hunts in the future (although I personally don't recommend putting in for this specific hunt, and will not be applying for this hunt in the future). It is a pretty limited unit, and I hope people aren't bothered by sharing info about this hunt.

In general, this unit seems to be in decline, and this year especially was difficult because of the dry, hot conditions. Almost all the deer I saw were on or around ag land and on private. Some deer moved to public sagebrush areas for bedding, or were living in these areas right outside of the ag land, but not many. Most stayed on private the entire time, and Idaho's vague and ambiguous trespassing/posting law makes hunting these deer quite the challenge. I only saw 2-3 true mature, giant deer on this hunt, and they were firmly on private that is apparently leased by an outfitter in the area. I ended up harvesting the only semi-mature mule deer I saw on public. I am not going to post any specific areas on here since I know certain people/forums frown upon that, but I will be happy to share my experience further with anyone who wants to DM me.

My hunt ended when I hiked on some public just south of where I was seeing some deer on private/ag land. I spotted the deer at 250 yards bedded, backed out, and went around through a saddle above him. I thought this would put me about 100-150 yards above him, and where he would feed out. Around 15 minutes before sunset, I still wasn't able to relocate the deer, and he never stood up/fed out of his bed, so I started to think he got spooked, fed out in a different direction, or that I got his location wrong. I got up with my muzzy on a tripod about to stalk around the next ridge. Right when I stood up, he stood up 40 yards below me. One shot with Thor 250g, and a blood trail a blind man could follow, my hunt was over.

I hope that other hunters that had early season deer tags in Idaho share their stories as well, as I am curious if anyone else had a different experience than me. I hope everyone has a great hunting season!


  • 2024 Idaho Deer only.jpg
    2024 Idaho Deer only.jpg
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  • 2024 Idaho Deer w. Me.jpg
    2024 Idaho Deer w. Me.jpg
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Feb 18, 2013
Nice buck! As to your initial posts... If you read the rules, Rokslide does not allow any unit specific posts. This is to prevent spot burning, which tends to result in declining units due to overpressure.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Apr 6, 2020
Now unfortunately we aren't letting FNG's (new guys) post up unit specific questions. Any unit question/answers remain out in the world wide webs forever, which can doom some really great spots.
The expectation is that all Rokslide members will understand and support this concept and take all such conversations to private message.
Yes, it's a hassle to join and be part of this community but the rewards are worth the effort including the ability to send and receive private messages.
Jan 6, 2022
Thank you both for your explanations! My understanding after reading the rules was that it only banned FNG from asking unit specific questions, but I now understand Rokslide generally frowns upon unit specific posts in general. The original post has been edited to remove the unit specific references, and now is just a hunt recap about an Idaho muzzleloader controlled hunt generally. Thanks again!
Jan 6, 2022
I enjoyed your story, and would be very happy with that buck! Congrats
Thanks THM! It really was a pretty nice buck for being essentially the only buck I saw on public, and for a pre-rut muzzleloader hunt. Just was hoping to at least see a few big ones with the unit's genetics.