Idaho Elk Quality

I've seen a grand total of one truly big bull in Idaho. I had a Jan/Feb cow tag in an area that's controlled tags for bulls. We found a small group of bulls and moved in for a better look as we hadn't seen jack for cows.

All the bulls were young 5's but there was a tank in with them. He was a legit 360-370 6, black horns with ivory tips just like we all dream about. Watched him for 30 minutes from about 500 yards and then we moved on.

Sure as hell don't see several of those every year in OTC units like some people seem to.
I saw 2 over 300” this fall and one I watched for a couple dozen evenings this year. He hasn’t died yet as it seems nobody is willing to gain 2500’ in elevation in 1.2 miles to shoot a bull. I don’t think anyone who hunted out here or even the outfitter up the way knew he was there. It came across my mind multiple times to shoot him but I truly didn’t need the meat this year with having got a moose.
In the panhandle, a 320 bull IS a 360 internet bull.
Ain’t that the truth. Hunted elk in Idaho for over twenty years now; 7 years in eastern or more southern idaho the rest in the north. I saw more big bulls in the 7 year chunk than all the north Idaho years combined. I had one year I saw 40+ bulls in 5 days. That would probably take me 5-6 years to accomplish up north
I hunt multiple units in Idaho, Archery and rifle being a resident and the quality has gone down with preditors and more hunters. The big bulls are still out there though. One thing to remember is they didn't get that big without being smart.
I hunt multiple units in Idaho, Archery and rifle being a resident and the quality has gone down with preditors and more hunters. The big bulls are still out there though. One thing to remember is they didn't get that big without being smart.
Hunting panhandle first time. Would you recommend a unit to concentrate our efforts on?
It was extremely hard to turn up any bulls over 300" this year. Most of the bulls I saw this year were 5 points or small 6 points. Even during prime rut, these smaller bulls were with the cows. I have a few spots I hang trail cams and have large bulls consistently on camera over the past 5 years but again, only 5 points on camera. I only have one bull on camera that I would consider a big bull. Just wondering what everyone else saw this year in Idaho. Were you able to turn up big bulls? Or was your experience similar to mine?
I know out of state hunters bother you guys but I have 10 years archery in Co. under my belt. I have killed 7 there and I try hard to be respectful of any hunters around me that I am aware of. Trying Idaho for the first time. If you were to recommend one unit in the Panhandle to focus on which would it be?
Hunting panhandle first time. Would you recommend a unit to concentrate our efforts on?

I know out of state hunters bother you guys but I have 10 years archery in Co. under my belt. I have killed 7 there and I try hard to be respectful of any hunters around me that I am aware of. Trying Idaho for the first time. If you were to recommend one unit in the Panhandle to focus on which would it be?
Read the forum rules on FNG posting unit specifics. You just joined this community and you really think people should tell you what units to hunt elk in the hardest region in the state?
The harvest reports are out. All of the producers were within a couple percent of each other. It's more about picking what terrain and experience you want. You'll never be totally alone.
Hunting panhandle first time. Would you recommend a unit to concentrate our efforts on?

I know out of state hunters bother you guys but I have 10 years archery in Co. under my belt. I have killed 7 there and I try hard to be respectful of any hunters around me that I am aware of. Trying Idaho for the first time. If you were to recommend one unit in the Panhandle to focus on which would it be?
I wouldn't recommend the panhandle at all