I have a hungry Savage Ultralite in 7 prc. What does it like to eat?

Sep 28, 2024
I just bought a Savage 110 ultra lite in 7 PRC and I don't want to waste too much money on trying out ammo it won't like. Jim from backfire was talking about doing a database of rifles and what loads they like but I couldn't find it on his website. Would any of you guys with Savage ultra lites in 7 PRC be kind enough to tell me what groups the best for you or maybe your top two? P.S. I was also thinking about the Athlon Helos that is for sale on the backfire website. It has some impressive specs and Jim likes it but, something about writing checks with your mouth comes to mind. Anyone used one before? Any good or should I spend $600 on something else?
I don't think it works that way. I think each individual barrel might shoot best with a different load regardless of the make & model of the rifle.
No idea, but I'd look on YouTube to see if anyone or more than one has shot a particular load. I will say that my experience with Savage is they shoot anything well. Granted, a small sample.
Ol Jim, what a tool.

Your rifle is your rifle. You'll have to find what IT likes. Unfortunately, unless you reload, which i would recommend, you have to buy boxes of ammo and test. No way around it man.
I would imagine a savage 110 in 7prc would not be too different than another savage 110 in 7prc and if there were 15 factory loads to choose from a pattern would emerge with some out performing others. If I am not mistaken that was the data Jim at Backfire was trying to collect and sort through. That being said I think you guys are right on the money with your comments. It turns out there aren't a bunch of factory loads for the 7 PRC so it didn't take me long to find out what groups best. Hornandy's Precision Hunter was the tightest group and remarkably consistent with muzzle velocity only varying 4 fps on the three back to back that I chrono-ed, which granted, could have been a fluke.
I have two 7 prc - no Savage’s but both did very well with ELD-x 175 loads in Hornady and Federal premium but the Federal was a touch more consistent in both with better MV. I went through all this last year as well when the whole Hornady powder fiasco was going on….I don’t reload and am stuck with factory as well. The terminal ascents and copper stuff were no where near as accurate and consistent, I wanted to use those.
I would imagine a savage 110 in 7prc would not be too different than another savage 110 in 7prc and if there were 15 factory loads to choose from a pattern would emerge with some out performing others. If I am not mistaken that was the data Jim at Backfire was trying to collect and sort through. That being said I think you guys are right on the money with your comments. It turns out there aren't a bunch of factory loads for the 7 PRC so it didn't take me long to find out what groups best. Hornandy's Precision Hunter was the tightest group and remarkably consistent with muzzle velocity only varying 4 fps on the three back to back that I chrono-ed, which granted, could have been a fluke.

Obviously you're new to this so please take some time to learn about how guns are built and how barrels are chambered. No two guns are the same, period. If it were as simple as that, we wouldn't need so many different types of ammo.

Barrels are chambered by reamers. Reamers are metal so they wear down. Even subquentially chambered barrels are going to be different. Metallurgy is also another whole topic.

Regardless, if you had subqentially numbered rifles. I'd be willing to bet you a large sum of money that one of them shot any one ammo better than the other.

Stick around and do some research on ammo, testing, and terminal performance. You'll find that you can't put stock in 3 shot groups. Im glad it shoots well out of your rifle. It sounds like you're off to a great start. If for some reason that doesn't work out, try some Berger ammo. Bonus points after firing it because you have fireformed lapua brass.

Not trying to beat up on you but there's a ton to learn on this topic. Best thing you can do is just get out and shoot.