I hate my iphone


Aug 24, 2019
Venting frustrations

Just purchased the iPhone 13 pro max in December.. I absolutely hate it

Will NOT connect to the blue tooth in my truck for more than 2 minutes and then disconnects and locks up truck radio and the phone..
—apparently this is a known issue with no resolve in sight——

People I call only are able to hear every other word when I talk

Internet speed even while on 5g times out and is unable to finish search

Group messages unable to see full size videos / YouTube links

Yes I have updated

Complete waste of money
Your phone sounds defective. The Bluetooth could be due to other settings such as drive mode or do not disturb or focus (I hate focus). This was an issue with my 12pro.

Messaging with iMessage is great except in a group when any recipients are not using iMessage. You can turn of iMessage, that might help.
My wife and I have the same phone for a few months now and have had no issues as you describe. Maybe your vehicle has older software and causing the connectivity issues?
I have a iPhone for my work phone and a Samsung for my personal. They are both set up for the same carrier and are used for the same types of things like calling, texting, email ect. The newer iPhone is terrible, its slow on searches online, the call quality is much worse than my android. Its wierd but there is a night and day difference between them and for that I would never personally buy anything apple. My company is replacing all the iPhone with Android as they come up and I can't wait for a better workphone!
I don't have a new iPhone (mine's 2 years old) but I will say, Apple CarPlay is complete garbage. I don't know what is going on with it but it is unreliable.
Dang sounds like you just got a lemon. Mine and my brother got the 12s and my parents got the 13s and none of us have had any problems at all with ours. I like it a lot better then the android I had before.
I hated my iPhone so much I threw it away. Basic phone all the way!! And it saves me a lot of time by not scrolling, which I now waste by commenting through the computer.
I miss my flip phone.
Just dont need any of it really.
The GF and I both have those Galaxy Z Flip3's.. Its the flip phone that turns into a full size smartphone. Pretty much the best smartphone I've had to date. Completely fits nice and neat in a pocket and does all the voodoo any other smartphone can do. Not the best camera but its just fine for me, I aint making movies with it. I bought a samsung galaxy 3 watch to go with it and have zero issues. It's nice not having to dig out a phone anymore to see texts or email's or answer the phone the watch does it all in fact don't even need the phone at all, I can leave it home.-WW
Still rocking an LG G6 phone. 5 years old and going strong. You don't have to buy flagship models either. The lower levels of name brands are solid!