My wife drew this year as well. First time hunter. She has that luck to win raffle prizes and such so I'm not surprised at all she drew a tag her first time applying.
Thanks everyone I put my wife in for unit 50 bull and decided to put myself in for a 50 cow. I drew she got skunked again.
If you are still trying to figure out how to get your license number go to IDFG main page, click on buy a license, put in your info (ssn, drivers license, whatever you have) confirm who you are and at the bottom of the list of items you can purchase there should be a xxx-xx-xxxx looking number. That's what you need to figure out if you drew.
I still don't have the refund on my credit card, but when I called this morning they said that there is probably a problem. But I still have to wait until July 1. Unfortunately I did not draw. Maybe one of these days…