Hunting with a light setup

The guy in the video, normally shoots a Centaur longbow, big 2 blade Simmons broadheads and kills deer and hogs at about 10-15 yds. Hundreds of them. He’s also a pretty danm good target archer. IBO world champ, ASA champ.
He will kill a deer with whatever you put in his hands, because it will be tuned, his broadheads will be sharp, and he will hit what he’s aiming at. He will also set up in a position for a high percentage shot. I doubt he sits around worrying about his FOC.
The guy in the video, normally shoots a Centaur longbow, big 2 blade Simmons broadheads and kills deer and hogs at about 10-15 yds. Hundreds of them. He’s also a pretty danm good target archer. IBO world champ, ASA champ.
He will kill a deer with whatever you put in his hands, because it will be tuned, his broadheads will be sharp, and he will hit what he’s aiming at. He will also set up in a position for a high percentage shot. I doubt he sits around worrying about his FOC.

We have a lot of evidence that massive FOC degrades accuracy. Scientific testing in the book, “ Archery the technical side” by scientists published in 1947 proved that too much FOC degrades arrow flight And there was a diminishing return…in fact in one study Hickman notes such poor arrow flight he discontinues the testing with too much FOC ( they called it Center of Mass back then)

CN Hickman ( archery hall of fame, one of the original rocket scientists with 30 patents) has numerous controlled scientific tests on this dating back to 1934. Its not new.

Coincidently, The Easton engineers back this with their research and their recommendations Come to the same conclusions With the same values.

Believe Rubber band boy if you like, but the facts prove otherwise.
Idk why some guys make arrow setup such a tribal thing. I don’t think anyone disagrees that a heavier arrow penetrates better than a light arrow. And I don’t think anyone disagrees that a light arrow flies flatter than a heavy arrow. I’ll take the reduced penetration of going from 600-500 grains in return for 5” less drop at 20 yards, because I’m still getting pass-throughs and my bow is quiet. If you shoot heavier or lighter, that’s fine.
For FOC, there’s pros and cons, the main cons being that EFOC arrows can be picky to tune and vulnerable to wind drift. If your arrows tune and you don’t mind getting your feathers pushed a little further out of line by the wind, shoot all the % FOC you want.