Hunting Tips and Tricks to SAVE money and hunt more

I live in western CO, so I'm fortunate to have pretty good hunting right from my house. I'd love to travel around the state and hunt other areas, but right now with a toddler and baby at home, and the wife not working I'm limited to what I can hunt from the front door.

I just get as many tags as I can on 2nd choice and not burn any points for anything that isn't close to home. Just day hunts from the house. Except my fortunate luck on getting a mountain goat tag this year, I have 2 elk, 2 deer, and a bear tag I can hunt without going anywhere. Just takes a bunch of research into getting 2nd choice options.
Booking trips years out and finding a good friend to go along seems to lessen the burden (saved for 5 years to hunt sheep in AK, still expensive, but my wife didn’t even notice until they sent a statement to my house with the ‘total paid’).

brings me to my next point, have all hunting invoices and hunting gear shipped to me at work, that way the goalie is less likely to become aware.

this habit ain’t cheap, but it ain’t hookers and cocaine either. She should be so lucky...
1) Don't eat out

2) Work in the woods to be able to scout a lot for hunting locally.

3) no need for expensive camo when you can buy good pants on Amazon for a lot less $

4) look for pro deals through employer

5) As others said, buy a truck and get a canopy so you can sleep in the back of it when needed.

6) If you get lucky and get an animal, a few nights or a 30 rack and a few buddies in an afternoon is a lot cheaper than paying a butcher. I just got my elk done for about $50.

7) A cheap savage rifle and scope package kills elk just as well as a $2000 rifle.
1) Don't eat out
2) Actually, just try to eat as little as possible. My monthly food budget (1 person) is routinely $120-$150 (includes beer). Also, dehydrate your own meals.
3) Drink cheap beer, not drinking is impractical
4) Buy clearance items for everything, hunting gear buy almost nothing (I average maybe 1 piece of gear a year outside of boots, boots are my weakness)
5) 1 rifle
6) Drive a fuel efficient, inexpensive, reliable hatchback most of the time.
7) Accept misery and sleep in a tent.
8) Don't pay to have your meat packed out or processed.
9) Make hunting your vacations
10) This is really the most important, but build skills instead of the gear closet. Skills are generally free (not counting time of course) and they will last a lot longer than that $700 Sitka whatever jacket or a $50,000 pickup.
They aren't very nice in my world.

He was joking......but I didn't see anything ignorant about what he said. Seems about par for the country these days.

Then we should be under par, that’s 24 HR Campfire kinda bullshit.
1. I recently discovered a 20lb bag of ice is $1.99 at Costco. Saves me alot of money.
2. Investing in meat processing equipment.
3. Buying a Dehydrator to save costs on food while hunting.
What is a good economical dehydrator that you would recommend?
I love Rokcast | Dehydrated Meals DIY with Kristin Retterath, let's play it!
Don’t buy points in multiple states. Figure one state out.

Buy something and use it up.
This is a great way to save thousands on lotto points for hunts you many never draw. Robbies book on trophy mule deer covers this too

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6) If you get lucky and get an animal, a few nights or a 30 rack and a few buddies in an afternoon is a lot cheaper than paying a butcher. I just got my elk done for about $50.

You don't know how much beer my friends can drink! But it's still more fun to process meat at home!

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