I get your point, but I'd bet most would choose to ride a horse like this up a trail like that then a 3500$ sale pony. Especially if price wasn't a factor. Thats the nice thing about our stock, they've been proven on trails like that, and worse. They've seen grizzlies, and had grouse jump up underneath them ect. The hard part is every damn horse trader in the country is saying how their horse or mule can do it all. Thats one reason we try and get lots of videos and pictures. Some people will charter a jet for 50k for a weekend getaway and never blink an eye. How much is a helicopter ride?
These are just generalities and I'm sure you have fantastic stock.
If one has the confidence, ability, and time to train their own stock that's an excellent way to do it. As you are aware it takes a lot of time to make a reliable mount. You have 3 years into the you're working with now what's that worth to you? Some people have more money than time, some more time than money.
Have a good day. Scott