Hunting GPS Maps

Aug 3, 2012
San Luis Valley, Colorado
Have a new eTrex 20 and am thinking about Hunting GPS Maps for Colorado. We hunt a couple areas with private inholdings and I think this software may be more useful than Garmin Topo 1:24,000.

Can't figure out a couple things:

Can you choose what "layers" you want to see? I will mostly want to use the topo map capability for navigation with the eTrex, and don't want a bunch of landowner names and section information cluttering up my small screen?

Does the shaded land ownership (yellow for BLM, blue for State, etc.) show up on top of the topographic map, or is it a separate map/function?

Thank you!
Yes you can choose what layers you want when you are on base camp. The landowner names don't get too clustered even on a small screen. It's a nice feature to have, but I have found a lot of the information can be frustrating.

For instance if someone passed away and te property went in to a trust it will say the name of the trust. Makes you wonder how up to date the info is. Especially when you know it has been out of a trust for 2-3 years.

The shading for BLM, forest service....... Can all be seen over the topo map that is on the hunting gps map. Hope this helps.