I found a piece online made by Blackhawk that is ~$14 that can easily be modified to adapt any belt holder to the webbing on Kifaru belts - works slick. There is a thread I started on it on the DIY forum.
Not so sound snarky, but when making a final stalk you are going to have a weapon so don't overthink trying to figure out how to have 2.
I use a Kydex holster with MOLLE-link PALS. A lot like Jordan's. Fits great on my duplex belt right next to my nalgene holder. I think it was made by KCT kydex. Ive had a few gnarly encounters with bears, with this system i don't really worry to much about it. i do like the pouch system that kifaru makes, i might try that out too.
I wear a blackhawk Serpa with the strike plate molle attachment. Holds the handgun on the belt and is very secure with no bouncing.