Hunting Coffee Table/Photo Books

Dec 22, 2017
I recently searched around for some hunting based photo books/coffee table books, mostly to look at images and learn from. Doesn't seem to be much. There are some on waterfowl, upland, and southern hunting clubs, but little on big game or mountain hunting. Lots of wildlife photography, but that doesn't always capture what interests me the most - the hunt, the landscape, and the people. Anybody got any suggestions? Hoping to find them used.
Aron Snyder’s wife I know at one point was doing a coffee table book is his photos. I believe they have 2 books out. I’d message him or if you have Instagram look up Snyder signature photography and send them a message. Believe the page is ran by his wife.
Not what your asking, but here’s a hunting end table, to put your hunting photo books on.27B79ABD-7F6A-4149-9ED0-FAA8FCC21F09.jpeg


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Not exactly what you are looking for but These are a little louisiana specific. John folse has a series of cook books that have a lot of history, info and great pictures. Hooks lies and alibis. After the hunt. Louisiana encyclopedia of cooking
I recently searched around for some hunting based photo books/coffee table books, mostly to look at images and learn from. Doesn't seem to be much. There are some on waterfowl, upland, and southern hunting clubs, but little on big game or mountain hunting. Lots of wildlife photography, but that doesn't always capture what interests me the most - the hunt, the landscape, and the people. Anybody got any suggestions? Hoping to find them used.
Have you checked out Journal of Mountain Hunting? They have 2 issues out that are gorgeous! They feature a lot of work by Connor Gabbot and Steven Drake. Unfortunately they've stopped production of the print journal but I recommend those two issue if you're looking for oversize hunting coffee table books.
I've seen it (the website). Looked really cool. Sorry to hear that they couldn't get it off the ground - seems like an awesome concept. I'd probably pay what I pay other print rags (grays, FFG) if they could get at least four issues out a year.

Related/unrelated. one of the coolest magazines I've ever subscribed to was "the Surfers Journal" and I don't even surf. Absolutely stunning photography.