WTS Hunting Clothing for someone in need

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Apr 2, 2019
Good morning,

I have a set of UA Grit Bibs and Jacket that I would like to donate to someone in need. They are size medium and are in great shape. Please PM me if you know someone. I will pay the freight.
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Apr 2, 2019
Thanks guys, looks like we found an up and coming hunter. Y’all have a Merry Christmas!


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Jan 15, 2019
Good for you. There are plenty of young men and women wanting to learn but they do not have a family tradition of hunting. When you come from a family that hunts you have know how, a network of hunter friends and relatives, access to land, and a lot of gear. For example, I have surplus warm clothing from WW2, Korea, and Viet Nam to go along with a bunch of wool garments and modern wear. The gear was scattered all over the house. This summer I gathered the gear together, cleaned it up and stored it all in air tight plastic totes. I realized I had enough cold weather gear to outfit 8-10 men hunting in single digit temperatures. Young hunters with no family background have nothing. My son's friend is one of those kids. His father was a big hunter but died when the boy was very young. So, he did inherit some nice rifles from his father but his father's gear and clothing were no longer around. The boy had to save and buy some good boots, but we made sure he had all the cold weather gear he will need. It is not all new and certainly not light weight, but it is perfect for stand hunting in Georgia. I encourage others to be on the look out for these aspiring hunters and offer support when possible.