Hunted 2nd season rifle for the 1st time


Sep 26, 2018
I was curious after hearing so much about the orange army, what I found is the pressure is no different in an OTC 2nd season rifle hunt vs a draw archery hunt in the same unit.

What I did notice is many in 2nd season are clueless about thermals, walking through meadows and in general hunting, lol.

Seemed like most gave up after 2 days and the crowd reduced substantially.

Not sure if I’ll do 2nd season again, may try 3rd season next year if otc or if all otc goes away maybe I’ll try 1st season.

I really was expecting much more crowding than we experienced in an otc rifle season. I think 60% of the hunters were actually draw deer tag holders.
I think with any OTC hunt you get a flood of locals on Saturday and Sunday and then a much reduced crowd when they go back to work Monday.
I just hunted OTC second season, still applies. Not saying you have to go far, but usually aspects that you can't see from a road will hold animals.
I like second rifle season here in colorado, but I love third season.
Yeah last time I did 3rd it was a draw unit and it was a great hunt, think I’ll do otc 3rd or an easy draw if otc goes away next year. Looks like about 8” of snow will be falling where I hunted 2nd season, so should be a great time to be in the woods For 3rd.