HS Precison?

They are nice rifles for sure. I own 2 of them, a phl in 270 wsm and a phr in 300 rum. I don't really rifle hunt much usually just one or 2 hunts a year but they have both been great. Don't know if I would pay retail for one I bought mine used.

Anything in particular you wanna know? I'll try to answer it but I'm not near the gun guru some of these other guys are.
I worked up a load for a friend tha had a PHR in a 7mag. Liked the rifle. Shot better after it was fully bedded. The action and the aluminum bedding block didn't like each other very much. Had the same issue on my Rem action and a HS stock. It's more common with putting a HS stock on a Rem action. Great rifle though. Was able to get sub 0.5 MOA.

Before you buy a HS rifle, talk with Hell's Canyon. He is building some great rifles. Smaller company and you should get great customer service. Not that HS is bad.
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I worked up a load for a friend tha had a PHR in a 7mag. Liked the rifle. Shot better after it was fully bedded. The action and the aluminum bedding block didn't like each other very much. Had the same issue on my Rem action and a HS stock. It's more common with putting a HS stock on a Rem action. Great rifle though. Was able to get sub 0.5 MOA.

Before you buy a HS rifle, talk with Hell's Canyon. He is building some great rifles. Smaller company and you should get great customer service. Not that HS is bad.

Thanks for the props and reference! We could definitely put something together for anybody interested! Our first carbon barreled rifles should be done in a few weeks when we can start testing them! If you aren't wanting something carbon then we can hook you up there as well. Wait times are pretty long as we're small and don't keep barrels or stocks on hand yet. The new Manners Elite Hunter stocks for example take 15+ weeks for delivery...
I can't comment on the HS rifles. They make decent stocks however.

Thanks for the info. I want a lightweight, accurate rifle, that I can get comfortable shooting somewhat far out with. Just saw the the HS and it looked interesting. You have a webpage I can look at Hellscanyon?
Thanks for the info. I want a lightweight, accurate rifle, that I can get comfortable shooting somewhat far out with. Just saw the the HS and it looked interesting. You have a webpage I can look at Hellscanyon?

Nothing with our builds on it yet. Give me a call and we can talk about it! 5096709238