Hoyt carbon RX-1 or RX-1 turbo?

Nov 3, 2017
hayden Idaho
My amazing wife bought me a new carbon rx 1 ultra(she just guessed) and I am looking for the shorter 32”. Any thoughts between the two? I was leaning towards the turbo I am setting up a 3D range around our place and am looking for a performer out to 100+. My only hold up is I heard the turbo had a harsher draw and would cause more fatigue with multiple shots.
For long distance shooting, I would opt for the longer ATA Ultra rather than the Turbo. I love my Turbos and prefer lower letoff bows, but I built mine for slinging heavy fast hunting arrows. Speed isn’t that important for 3D if you know the distance and accuracy trumps all. At that point, you want all the forgiveness and stability a longer ATA bow can offer you. As for the fatigue argument, I find that subjective to each person. I’m 5’10”, 156lbs, and in shape and have no problems shooting a hundred arrows a day with my 75lb Carbon Defiant Turbo. Your mileage may vary, but I can tell you now, I’d be counting my lucky stars if my wife bought me a bow as nice as the Ultra.

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Thanks she’s pretty awesome! I currently shoot a 2004 vipertec 32” I love it being short. I originally went to purchase the v-tec 35” and ended up loving the shorter bow. That being said it is almost 14 years old. I am going to practice with my 3D range but it will be a hunting bow 100%. I subscribe to the idea of practice long and short shots will seem simple. I guess I am looking for a reason not to get the turbo. In my mind faster is better especially if the people are saying that both the rx-1 and turbo feel and shoot almost the same? I’m looking to see if anyone has buyers remorse yet?
Haven't shot this year's version yet, but the biggest difference between the turbo and non-turbo will probably be the valley and the let off.

With the turbo - you need to be the type who maintains a constant pull into the back wall, you can't relax back there or it will feel jumpy, want to roll over and go on you. Basically - almost no valley. I've heard one tester say that is consistent with this year's bows.

I personally chose the Defiant turbo over the 34 - but you absolutely need to shoot both side by side to see what works best.

Draw cycle difference was minimal to me.
Shot all 3 today and went with turbo. Thing shot great and man was it fast! It wasn’t any more jumpy than my old vipertec.
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