How to pick a Pack (Kifaru vs. Exo Mountain vs. Stone Glacier)

I just picked up the SG and it really came down to the front access style bag for me. Seems like all the main companies have pretty solid frames. I'm liking how involved they are with conservation as well. I think the only thing I wish mine did is to tighten a load between the bag and frame separately of the bag compression. I haven't used it yet like that to know if I'm just being nitpicky though.

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I bought my first Kifaru pack in 1998. It's carried out a lot of elk quarters and is still good as new.

I've seen Aron Snyder at the archery range on saturday, making phone calls to kifaru customers with questions. Patrick Smith is a good friend of mine.

Make mine Kifaru. I've packed out several dozen elk on their packs and my Mtn Warrior is the most comfortable pack i know. They hold up.....and the customer support is amazing.
No joke! I bought a Kuiu Ultra 4000 on the Icon suspension. So far so good but I haven’t tried any heavy loads. If I don’t like it I will probably sell it and get a SG instead!