How to get over missing the big one?


Jul 25, 2022
In 2008 I rattled in a decent 8 point whitetail buck from my treestand right after sunup on an early November morning. I decided I was going to try to put an arrow in him. As I turned to quietly put the down the rattling antlers and pick up my bow which was hanging on a hook, I noticed a much larger buck had sneaked in to less than 20 yards from the stand about 90 degrees from the direction of the smaller buck. I froze while he stared in my direction, then he turned and grunted at the smaller buck as he did a stiff legged walk right behind a large oak. He stood there scrounging for acorns while occasionally grunting in the general direction of the smaller buck.

This all happened quicker than I could grab my bow and try to draw. All I could see from behind the tree was his head and some of his butt and tail. Once my heart stopped pounding, I counted at least 10 typical points with a lot of mass - he might of had some stickers, but I'm not sure as the sun was not yet fully up. I estimate he was a least 160". When he got bored looking for acorns and **** talking the other buck , he walked off in a more or less straight line (no broadside shot opportunity) back into a thicket behind the oak tree.

That was 16 years ago and I'm still not over it.