How Many?


Feb 27, 2012
Treasure Valley, ID
I've been thinking this over for the last couple days, and thought this would be an interesting discussion here.

How many of your P&Y bucks have you scouted and found prior to the opener of the season?

still trying to find one pre season that i actually harvest / never give up
None, but I don't scout the wilderness I hunt for blacktails, those bucks are there every year. This year trying mulies in wilderness and am going to scout. It is a new area and maybe I will find a buck I get a chance at during the season.
2010 I had 6 scouted in Kansas early in the 21 days I was out there looking. I found them all and ended up harvesting a 188" Non-Typical. I didn't do any scouting this last season here in Colorado but I did find a new basin in my unit so I will be getting in there this year to check things out.
In the Dakotas you have much more luck scouting the deer you want to hunt with the type of terrain. A lot eaiser to do. I have scouted nearly a dozen P&Y type bucks that I have been able to put an arrow through. It is always fun commiting to one buck and deciding that is the only buck you want to kill. I have scouting numerous bucks in the high country and was able to kill two of them.
Only two for me.... hopefully 3 next year if I can draw my tag. I've been watching the same group of 11 bucks for 5 years now and have been able to harvest 3 of them. Every year they seem to pick another 1 or 2 up so the total always stays the same.
Possibly all 3 of mine. Two for sure. One of the three I can't be 100% certain.
BOHNTR! That is awesome.
David- you forgot to mention that it only took you a few years to get all 3? Good job, buddy! My 3 took 15 years!
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Possibly all 3 of mine. Two for sure. One of the three I can't be 100% certain.
BOHNTR! That is awesome.
David- you forgot to mention that it only took you a few years to get all 3? Good job, buddy! My 3 took 15 years!

Thanks Robby. I have been very fortunate.
2 pre-scouted kills. 1 P&Y the other just shy. The P&Y buck was a 2 year adventure in which I had watched him 6 different times but never laid eyes on him during the '09 season. The following July I found him 20 yards from where I last saw him in '09. Killed him opening day of '10 500 yards from that spot. General season public land. First pic is Aug '09, 2nd is Aug '10
I've been fortunate enough to take three P&Y bucks, all three of them were prescouted. My biggest one was a 200 in. net buck that I watched for over 2 months. The hardest one was a 175 buck that I found during a late November hunt. I finally killed that buck over 15 miles from where I originally found him.