How many boxes of shells...?

Totally dependent on how much you hunt or shoot in general. I try to keep 1 case (10 boxes) of ammunition per Big game rifle/caliber depending on what the rifle likes. If multiple guns in the same caliber like the same load just the 10 boxes. The 10 box rule is just a baseline. Some I have double. A couple I only have 8 or so but need to buy some more.

I have 8500+rds of .223, double that in .22lr, 1500rds of .17hornet

I always have 200rds or so of my Self Defense load and about 500rds of practice ammo for each my 45 auto and 9mm

Shot shell:
5 cases+ of trap/dove loads. I also shoot these for early season pheasant, grouse, sharptail etc. (20 and 12 ga)
5-6 cases of heavier game loads #4-#6s for later season hunting (20 and 12 ga)
8 or so cases of Waterfowl loads #2-#4 (12ga)
3 cases of 20ga waterfowl/nontoxic
4 cases of .410 mix of #7.5, #7, #6

I have enough bullets, powder, primers for about 150 loads.

I have never understood how even after 2 years of ammo shortages how the average guy that duck hunts 1 or 2 weekends a year, deer hunt 1.5 days and maybe walks for upland 2 or 3 days a year, runs out of ammo.
Either some don’t think ahead or are limited by budget plans with the wife.
I always bought on sale items when I could and older ammo off armslist cheap.
we save $ for rainy days and some of us ammo as well.
I go into duck and goose season with roughly 6 cases on average. Grouse and pheasants and all that I usually have 4-5 cases of lead as well
I pretty much only hunt pheasants in WI and SD, average 2-3 hunts/week and kill around 35 roosters very fall. I would say I average 2-3 shells per bird so 3 boxes or so of BOSS #4's. I hunt both WPA's and state land and I don't want to mess with switching out shells. It also allows me to jump shoot a pond or two while I'm out if I want.
Duck: Two cases of 12g 3” 3 BC High Velocity (I don’t do any dedicated goose hunting)

Upland: One case of 28g 5 shot Golden Pheasant for quail, Chukar, Huns, grouse, etc and a few boxes of 12g 6 shot for dedicated rooster hunts.
Do you prefer to go into a season with?

Normally I wouldn't wonder but since shotgull shells have been in short supply I'm trying to cover my bases.

With elk/deer/antelope if I have more than 5 and less than a box I'm okay. One shot one kil. But this being my first season over a dog, I want to make sure I don't run out.
at least 12 boxes, if u can find em. i have some heavy metal i was going to sell but in this market i reconsidered
Chukar hunting I usually carry one box. plus or minus a few shells. I have only ran out of shells one time on a bad shooting day. I usually shoot between one and two cases a year.
Upland hunting I usually go through about 2 cases and waterfowl about a case. This is hunting an average of 90 days a season.