In our camp if you draw blood then your tag is filled. Whether you find the elk or not.
Sorry to hear about the shot and non-recovery. As others have said, it might not have hit where you think it did. Also, where the shaft seems to be on the elks body may not be where it entered the body. I look at videos and often times where it looks like it went in isn't where it really went in.
Three things to think about / do...
First, if it is dead, there should be scavengers on it, like vultures or other predators. I would check the skies for circling vultures or buzzards.
Second, and this is something that takes experience to realize and practice to get good at, but we all need to stop looking for blood only when we are tracking after a hit. Get down low, on your hands and knees if you need to, at each sign and look for evidence of where the animal went. Broken spider webs, leaves turned upside down or sideways, often time blood is left on the underside of leaves as the animal brushes past them, tracks in the dirt, something out of place like mud on one rock but not on any others around it.
And third, stalk your animal when you are tracking it. Too many of us jump up a bedded and dying animal, extending the tracking job, by just walking through the woods. Remember, he is going to see you before you see him if he is still alive.
Hope this helps,
Elk can go miles (as previously mentioned) on one lung and never die. They evolved with bears, wolves, etc and are bred to be tough as nails. I shot an elk one year and the ground where I shot him looked like someone dumped a bucket of blood all over the place. 2 days and a couple miles later blood dried up and never found him. Oh, and he climbed 1800 feet up in the process. That made me sick and gave me a new appreciation for the toughness of these creatures. A wise elk hunter once told me that if you double lung them, they won't go very far but a heart shot or single lung and all bets are off. Heart shots can be tricky because elk can run a long way with no blood pumping. Double lung shots collapse the lungs almost instantly and they can't breathe. It's not blood loss that kills them on a double lunger.
Notch his tag?
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