Hey guys, I'm new around here... but trail cams are something I'm into and will put in my 2 cents. For me, it just depends on the cam and the spot. Can you salt/attract in your unit? If you can salt it helps to freshen it up about every 14 days for me works best. Once you have an established spot and know the amount of traffic you can stretch it out to every 3 weeks. However, it seems like every year I get a cam or two that get hit by a couple moose and they can fill an SD card in less than a week. Then that’s all you get are pictures of the same moose and not the elk you want the most. So I usually stick to the 2-3 weeks I probably check more often in the early part of the season and then closer to the season I’m doing more glassing. The elk do the August shuffle as soon as they strip, most will move out of the summer ground and head to their rut areas. It's also worth noting that from my experience the Bulls pretty much stop hitting the salt as soon as they strip their velvet. I’m curious to see what others do as far as how often they check their cams. All in all, I think running trail cams are just a good way to pass the time until September and get in shape. Just hope to get lucky and catch a giant to keep you up at night or a picture that will motivate you to get out of bed when that 3:30 alarm goes off. Haha, every bit of motivation helps!!