How frequently to check elk trail cams?


Mar 1, 2012
How often or frequent do you check your elk trail cams?

Some of mine are near bedding areas,trails and old wallows so I only go check them
once a month or so
I waited 2 week to check mine and it was a good thing I did check them as they needed the elk snot wiped off the lens. Dang noisey cow's stickin there noses and tongues were they don't belong, don't they know I'm trying to take pics? Don't forget to turn the dang camera on after you get it hung as well.
I'm at about once a month. Usually put it out in July, check mid august, once in Sept, and then pull in October. I'm not really using it to target a specific animal or place, its somewhere I know elk are already at, most likely always will be and I'm not trophy hunting the spot. I pretty much just put it out for entertainment purposes.
I like to put them near my tree stands.


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I am on a 3 week cycle myself. I think I have a few too close to bedding areas and will be moving them down the moutain a bit to focus on preferred routes into and out of the area.
Depends how excited I am to see the new prospects

I generally go 1-2 weeks, 3 at most
That's cause I often rotate my cameras around to different areas

We have wildfires and i always need options

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Hey guys, I'm new around here... but trail cams are something I'm into and will put in my 2 cents. For me, it just depends on the cam and the spot. Can you salt/attract in your unit? If you can salt it helps to freshen it up about every 14 days for me works best. Once you have an established spot and know the amount of traffic you can stretch it out to every 3 weeks. However, it seems like every year I get a cam or two that get hit by a couple moose and they can fill an SD card in less than a week. Then that’s all you get are pictures of the same moose and not the elk you want the most. So I usually stick to the 2-3 weeks I probably check more often in the early part of the season and then closer to the season I’m doing more glassing. The elk do the August shuffle as soon as they strip, most will move out of the summer ground and head to their rut areas. It's also worth noting that from my experience the Bulls pretty much stop hitting the salt as soon as they strip their velvet. I’m curious to see what others do as far as how often they check their cams. All in all, I think running trail cams are just a good way to pass the time until September and get in shape. Just hope to get lucky and catch a giant to keep you up at night or a picture that will motivate you to get out of bed when that 3:30 alarm goes off. Haha, every bit of motivation helps!!
Question: when do you guys quit checking cameras? Around here in whitetail country I quit checking cameras/"stinking up the place" about a month before the season starts. Just like hanging stands, I try to check just before a rain which is tough to do in Oklahoma summers.
Do elk get hinky from too much human smell?

I do like trail cams for their entertainment value and to know if there are any bruisers in the area.
I hang mine in mid-late June and check once them in early August. I typically check them a second time when hunting in late August/Sept. Keep in mind that I am only using my cameras for fun, not really to determine if there are bulls in the area. Its nice to pass some time in the backcountry looking through the pictures while waiting for the elk to make their move.

If I was using them to scout a new area, I'd probably check them more frequently. Mine are a good 5 miles back, so it takes a good chunk of the weekend to check them. Hope this helps.
For myself it depends on how many areas I'm interested in checking out with my two cameras. If 4-5 areas that year I will leave them no more than 10 days. If only two or threes areas then two weeks or so, this is for elk. My more important areas I will put the cameras there Aug 18 through 28th, those will be very recent & a decent pattern of usage.

I put 7 out two weeks ago and won't check until sometime in august. Once hunting season arrives I will check about every week and move some around. Currently have two others out for a year one I have walked around it twice and will be going to find it this weekend👍
I like to put one under my tree stands during archery season.
I can be frustrating to come back and see elk that came thru while you were at a different tree stand
