About 10 days ago it hit -20F at my house. It's been snowing and then snowing and then snowing again. Missoula usually does not get dumped on as the mountains on either side of the valley take the hit and we are called the banana belt of the state. Never seen a banana tree growing though. It's about 0 degrees right now and supposed to get a little colder tonight. The bad part is now with all this snow we have it's supposed to have winds of 30mph with gusts up to 50 mph. Should make it fun and wind chills in the -45 F range.
On the north side of town there is a drainage called the Rattlesnake named after the creek that comes out of the mountains. Right near town the mountains have houses right at the bottoms of them. They rise up and are mostly grass covered until there are patches of timber on the top and some of the draws, but mostly open for a mile or so until it hits a lot of timber. The slopes are 60-75% I would safely estimate and there are houses right next to where the hill starts up to the sky and climbs roughly 2500-3000 feet straight up. Today at about 4:30 PM an avalanche came down one hill and wiped out a two story house. Several people inside were able to pull themselves out of the debris and mess, but one young teenager was caught under the snow. Last I heard is hundreds of neighbors came to help immediately and found the kid and got him out. Not sure how he is doing. Hopefully he makes it. House was destroyed.
I love the snow and winter, but I sure am praying for this family.